Sometimes I wonder....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Came across this one, while looking for Phantom stuff...Cutting Edge/Wild Hare 1/32 British Phantom FG.1/FGR.2 Conversion.

....and it sold I think last year, in January, for.....wait for it.....£622.97!!??

Honestly, I mean....why?
Sheeite ! I converted a Revell 1/32nd scale kit, back in about 1979/80, which cost a bit of work, some Milliput and scratch-building, at around a fiver, on top of the price of the kit.
I don't mind forking out for some extras so as I can try and produce an interesting and challenging model……………….but that much……………… way.

Also just think of how many models you could get wit that kind of cash!

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