Songs: Only the best

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I liked the theme music for the 'Nam are movie: "Platoon"-- That might be the air you mentioned by Bach-- as I don't know what key or string Johan used as the basis for that haunting piece of music. I also like Pink Floyd and "Comfortably Numb" is my favorite- and anything composed by the late Howard Hoagland Carmichael-especially "Georgia On My Mind"--
You'll have to look up this one from the Vietnam Era on the you tube music site: "Sky Pilot" by Eric Burdon and The Animals. Best anti-war song I've heard. A Sky Pilot was the British name for an Army Chaplain. Don't go for the short radio version, be sure to find the full length 7 and a half minute version. You'll know you have it right when you hear the BAGPIPES and sound effects at the mid-point of the song. And a belated thank you to those California Draftees for pirating this song into our 1968 Fort Benning Basic Training barracks on their tiny transistor radios. P.S. - It is now and forevermore "Fort Benning" in my Military Mind, forget that re-naming nonsense.

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