the lancaster kicks ass said:Soren, are you british?? it doesn't sound it, when was the last time we gave up hope??
Lanc this has nothing to do with hope, even Germany eventually gave up and Russia was bloody close to during the battle for Stalingrad.
in 1940 what did the luftwaffe have that could take out a capital ship?? the LW were no more prepared to take out ships than the RAF, we were both still using small bombs to try and penetrate the top armour, which wasn't gonna happen
You seem to be oblivious to the fact that during the invasion of Norway, the RN "destroyers" HMS Afridi, Bison, and Grom, as well as the anti-aircraft ship Bittern were all sunk by Stuka's carrying "Bombs". One bomb even passed completely through the Bittern's sister ship, the BLACK SWAN, and exploded under it, luckily for the Black swan who survived.
, you're right in saying that aircraft are the most effective weapons against ships, but only really when they're carrying torpedos,
Which is exactly what the LW would bring at the RN !
the RN would have loved the chance to bring their huge forces together for the sole purpose of destroying the ill prepared invasin force, the germans had no experience of amphibious landings and were coming over often in just civilian barges! they wouldn't have a chance, the germans caused problems releasing S-boats into the allied invasion force and they just had a couple of torp. tubes, imagine what battleships and cruisers would do, meanwhile the massed flak from all the ships the the german fear or hitting their own ships in the channel would make it very difficult for them to bomb, i realise there would be losses but they can be replaced as long as the island remains intact,
Lanc think before you burst out. The Germans weren't going to attack the RN while at the same time launching Op.Seelöwe, no they would annihilate the RN before even preparing for Op.seelöwe.
This is pure simple tactical exploitment, and the Germans wouldn't have missed the chance to use it !
[/quote="thelancasterkicksass"] if you think we'd have given up you know nothing about the British........ [/quote]
Without an airforce, against such a large opponent, any nation's army would 'eventually' give up Lanc.