Spitfir VB ER219

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Feb 8, 2016
Isle of Wight
To make use of some spare decal I have and an odd VB lying around, decided that ER219 is rare enough to be interesting.

The only photo i can find is This is as Shaibah Airfield in Iraq. This aircraft was sent to Gibraltar in 1942 and then on to NW Africa.... supplied to the US Army, the RAF roundals are overpainted leaving the left wing roundal in place (foreground). I found a listing that said it was a LFLR VB, so possibly clipped wing with long range tank, but no mention of a tropical filter. From this picture (or any others that may be around) can we confirm its got clipped wings and whether it has any combination of serial...i can't identify any tail fin rigging point
According to two references the plane was of the Mk.Vb/Vc Trop series made in August/September 1942..

Judging by the shadow of the wing tip in the pic and something that looks like protruding wing tip nav light I would say she wasn't the clipped wing kite. I would like to pay your attention to the starboard wing tip of the foreground Spit too.

As far as the antenna wire.. Although the enlarged images doesn't show it enough good I would say .. no antenna wire and the attaching fin point there. I think the plane series was fitted with the new radio set that didn't require the antenna wires. Also the foreground Spitfire had that removed.

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I wonder if the USAAF national markings on the wing aren't designed to replicate standard USAAF marking schemes...so the undersides of the wing would have a star on the starboard side and a roundel on the port? That's assuming that ER219 matched the marking scheme of the aircraft in the foreground.

Note also the "K" just above the RAF fin flash.
I'm thinking that one wing roundel simply hasn't been painted over yet (ran out of white paint? dammit!). That's just the aircraft mechanic in me. You should see the paint issues we have (omg) at our C-check/overhaul shop, but then we're not a "paint" facility, just over-freakin'-haul - lol -.

I think the RAF roundel is still there not because of the shortage of the white paint but because the national insignia was removed from there fully. The USAAF didn't paint the US Star sign at the starboard wing top mostly.
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I agree Steve - IFF is probably not fitted, and there is no indication of the wires or lead-in for the earlier, MkII IFF.
The photo looks like it was taken at a Depot or MU, so it is very possible that the RAF roundel on the upper starboard wing(s) has yet to be painted over. This was mainly done by simply painting the roundel area in one of the camouflage colours, leaving a visible partial disc on the darker colour, painted in the lighter colour,and a feinter, or 'fresher' partial disc in the are where that colour had been used,
The photo looks like it was taken at a Depot or MU, so it is very possible that the RAF roundel on the upper starboard wing(s) has yet to be painted over.

Shaibah was home to 2 separate MUs in 1942, Nos. 115 and 119. Even if the roundels were painted over, one could represent the aircraft as it was while in the repainting process with US stars on the fuselage, port upper and starboard lower wings, and roundels elsewhere.

That said, managed to find this pic which appears to show an operationally-marked USAAF Spitfire with the port upper wing RAF roundel still intact (source: 52nd_FG):

Many British operated Spitfires seem to have had the system removed in the MTO. It seems that a little later, June '43 those on Malta were to have the system reinstalled.

Of note to those who are always wanting to add things on or replace things on fighter aircraft willy-nilly is this order which shows what a palaver even a seemingly simple reinstall could be.

Again, I'm almost sure that this document comes to us from the late Edgar Brooks, to whom credit is due.



The enlarged pic reveals that the starboard top wing RAF roundel was there too.

I have already made this one as pictured

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