Spitfire FR IX, FR XIV

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Oct 16, 2007
Hello all, first post.

I am looking for information concerning the camera placement and camera ports on late war FR Spits, specifically whether the Mk IX and XIV had the teardrop shaped camera ports on BOTH sides of the fuselage or just the left? This is for a project I'm working on concerning 414 and 430 Sqdns. RCAF.

The PR IX had two vertical cameras in the wings replacing the guns.

The FR IX kept the guns and had one obliquely mounted F24 camera and as a result one teardrop port.

The XIV I believe could carry one camera with a reduction in payload, but this should be checked as I am not entirely sure on this mark.

Hope this helps
The FR XIV had an F24 camera mounted in the radio hatch on the port fueslage, and possibly one or two vertcally mounted cameras in the lower mid fueslage, just aft of the wings.

There were variations on the theme I think - will check out my info for you at home after work.


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