Hi there,
I recently purchased the Gemini Aces RCAF No. 443 sqn Spitfire IX ML417 2I-T of F/O Hodgins September 1944 double victory and was looking to produce a miniature fact sheet to display beside it which would detail among other things its air combat record. I thought this a simple task until I found that there lacks some consistency from book to book, website to website. I was wondering if anyone on these forums could lend a hand. Here is what I have done so far. Please feel free to correct any mistakes I have made.
I first took a look at the book Spitfire Flying Legend: The Fighter and the 'Few' by John Dibbs and Tony Holmes. In it is stated the following "…(ML417 is) credited with the destruction of two Bf 109Gs over Arnhem on 29 September 1944, plus a Bf 109G and a Fw 190 damaged over Alencon and Falaise respectively in the first two weeks of July (1944)." (page 102)
I next looked to the internet and found the following:
"In one hectic week she severely damaged an Fw190, scored a probable Me109 and destroyed a further pair of Me109's" link
"Credited with one Fw 190 damaged. Credited with two Bf 109 confirmed destroyed. Credited with one Bf 109 probably destroyed" (The Fighter Collection previous owner of ML417) link
"June 26 claimed Fw 190 damaged/probable over Normandy. Two Bf 109's destroyed September 29" link
What I was really looking to find was what the Planes of Fame (current owner of ML417) had on their website, but I could not find anything.
Finally I checked the four volumes of the 2nd Tactical Air Force by Christopher Shore and Chris Thomas. Below is how the books display the actions for each day.
Time Sqn Type Ident Pilot/Crew Claim destroyed probable damaged cause/location
I first confirmed the destruction of two Bf 109s over Nijmegen on 29 September 1944 (page 316 v2). Note that Spitfire Flying Legend stated it was over Arnhem.
10:35 433 Spitfire IX ML417 F/O R.A. Hodgins Bf109 2 - - Nijmegen
I next focused on the first two weeks of July. On 13 July I found the Falaise claim (page 217 v2):
18:40 443 Spitfire IX ML417 F/L W.A. Prest Fw190 - - 1 Falaise Area
That just left the Bf109 damaged claim, but this I could not find. I did find three things however. The first was on 26 June (page 181 v1):
12:15 443 Spitfire IX nk (not known) T F/L W.A. Prest Fw190 - - 1 W Rouen
It is not in the first two weeks of July but close. It is also not a Bf109 and not over Alencon. It does match the third website quote above though. There is a T written beside the not known identification. I am certain that the letter T refers to the 443 squadron code for ML417 2I-T which is on either side of the fuselage, as well as a T marked under the nose. Other actions for the day show letters like U, P, V, K etc… next to other serial numbers. This is interesting because on 7 June (page 143 v1):
e17:00 443 Spitfire IX nk T F/L W.A. Prest Bf109 - - 1 E Caen nc (not confirmed) 2TAF
This action however was not confirmed but does have the T and Prest at the controls. It does appear that Prest and Hodgins regularly flew ML417. This still leaves the damaged Bf109 over Alencon unaccounted for. The closest I found for this action was on 30 July (page 236 v2):
15:40 443 Spitfire IX ML153 F/O R.A. Hodgins Bf109 - - 1 E Alencon
This is of course a different date and aircraft. So according to 2nd Tactical Air Force, ML417 has:
I am more inclined to believe the 2nd Tactical Air Force but what do you guys think?
I recently purchased the Gemini Aces RCAF No. 443 sqn Spitfire IX ML417 2I-T of F/O Hodgins September 1944 double victory and was looking to produce a miniature fact sheet to display beside it which would detail among other things its air combat record. I thought this a simple task until I found that there lacks some consistency from book to book, website to website. I was wondering if anyone on these forums could lend a hand. Here is what I have done so far. Please feel free to correct any mistakes I have made.
I first took a look at the book Spitfire Flying Legend: The Fighter and the 'Few' by John Dibbs and Tony Holmes. In it is stated the following "…(ML417 is) credited with the destruction of two Bf 109Gs over Arnhem on 29 September 1944, plus a Bf 109G and a Fw 190 damaged over Alencon and Falaise respectively in the first two weeks of July (1944)." (page 102)
I next looked to the internet and found the following:
"In one hectic week she severely damaged an Fw190, scored a probable Me109 and destroyed a further pair of Me109's" link
"Credited with one Fw 190 damaged. Credited with two Bf 109 confirmed destroyed. Credited with one Bf 109 probably destroyed" (The Fighter Collection previous owner of ML417) link
"June 26 claimed Fw 190 damaged/probable over Normandy. Two Bf 109's destroyed September 29" link
What I was really looking to find was what the Planes of Fame (current owner of ML417) had on their website, but I could not find anything.
Finally I checked the four volumes of the 2nd Tactical Air Force by Christopher Shore and Chris Thomas. Below is how the books display the actions for each day.
Time Sqn Type Ident Pilot/Crew Claim destroyed probable damaged cause/location
I first confirmed the destruction of two Bf 109s over Nijmegen on 29 September 1944 (page 316 v2). Note that Spitfire Flying Legend stated it was over Arnhem.
10:35 433 Spitfire IX ML417 F/O R.A. Hodgins Bf109 2 - - Nijmegen
I next focused on the first two weeks of July. On 13 July I found the Falaise claim (page 217 v2):
18:40 443 Spitfire IX ML417 F/L W.A. Prest Fw190 - - 1 Falaise Area
That just left the Bf109 damaged claim, but this I could not find. I did find three things however. The first was on 26 June (page 181 v1):
12:15 443 Spitfire IX nk (not known) T F/L W.A. Prest Fw190 - - 1 W Rouen
It is not in the first two weeks of July but close. It is also not a Bf109 and not over Alencon. It does match the third website quote above though. There is a T written beside the not known identification. I am certain that the letter T refers to the 443 squadron code for ML417 2I-T which is on either side of the fuselage, as well as a T marked under the nose. Other actions for the day show letters like U, P, V, K etc… next to other serial numbers. This is interesting because on 7 June (page 143 v1):
e17:00 443 Spitfire IX nk T F/L W.A. Prest Bf109 - - 1 E Caen nc (not confirmed) 2TAF
This action however was not confirmed but does have the T and Prest at the controls. It does appear that Prest and Hodgins regularly flew ML417. This still leaves the damaged Bf109 over Alencon unaccounted for. The closest I found for this action was on 30 July (page 236 v2):
15:40 443 Spitfire IX ML153 F/O R.A. Hodgins Bf109 - - 1 E Alencon
This is of course a different date and aircraft. So according to 2nd Tactical Air Force, ML417 has:
- - Two Bf-109 kills on 29 Sept over Nijmegen
- - One Fw190 damaged on 13 July over Falaise
- - One Fw190 damaged on 26 June west of Rouen
- - One unconfirmed Bf109 damaged on 7 June east of Caen
I am more inclined to believe the 2nd Tactical Air Force but what do you guys think?