Spitfire Mk V Painting Question

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Hey, All,
Well, I should be ready to start final finish and fit on the kit the next few days. This leads me to ask, the boundary between upper surface colors. Is that a "hard" edge or a "softer" edge? I can get a damned fine line with Passche VL, but do I need to mask to get a hard edge?
Also, I was searching for the Future thread and cannot find it. I have never used Future and I am curious as to how to use today's Future. I am sure there have been re-forumlations over years, so I will be buying a fresh bottle off the shelves now. Any pointers to any guides or How Tos would be appreciated.
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I'll defer to the Spit experts on the demarkation line question, but Future is still the same. Brush it, spray it, dip the canopy in it, just be sure not to let it puddle up and you are fine.
If you check pictures of Spitfires you will find that the demarcation line between upper colours wasn't soft rather. As memeo serves Spitfires were painted with templates and a such line is always "harder" than smudgy. However these lines could become more blurred because of waether conditions or just re-painting done by maintenace crews during long service.

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It was hard. There was an attempt to soften it but this was quickly rescinded.

It also explains why all British camouflage demarcations were closely regulated and,from the factory,a hard edge in scale.

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Hey, Wurger,
Thanks for the spam warning. I should have known better, I am in IT and fight this stuff everyday.

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