Spitfire Mk VB EP341 nominally used by 126 Squadron in Malta mid to late 1942

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Dec 12, 2006
Any photos or other references to this Spitfire about/during this time period ?? Was probably wearing someone else's Codes or had had them painted over.


I also found these. I don't know if these help.


  • A87F8F51-4ACD-42D2-9D92-009BA7032856.png
    78.2 KB · Views: 146
  • DD43C650-090A-47AD-A72A-AFB8BF155CD4.png
    55 KB · Views: 129
Well Zippy, looks like we are both trying to find a photo of Any Mk.Vb of 126 Sqn
Like trying to find hen's teeth! My GG Davidson met his fate in EP310 on 15th of Nov, '42.
Looks like the code during that time was "V" and I'll be dogged if I can find any with that code to give me colours or patterns.
Wishing us both Good Luck ay!

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