Hi Parsifal,
>What are "Drag tactics"
Drag tactics have the defensively engaged (=attacked) fighter in a section fly a path that enables the free fighter of the section to attack the bogey trailing the engaged fighter.
There are various implementation of these tactics like the sandwich and the half-split, but they work even if a section gets separated and re-joins during the battle.
It requires coordination between the pilots though and is facilitated by a performance advantage over the enemy. From what I heard from Clay and Kirby, they considered neither the P-39 nor the P-40 to have this kind of performance advantage over the Zero.
Henning (HoHun)
>What are "Drag tactics"
Drag tactics have the defensively engaged (=attacked) fighter in a section fly a path that enables the free fighter of the section to attack the bogey trailing the engaged fighter.
There are various implementation of these tactics like the sandwich and the half-split, but they work even if a section gets separated and re-joins during the battle.
It requires coordination between the pilots though and is facilitated by a performance advantage over the enemy. From what I heard from Clay and Kirby, they considered neither the P-39 nor the P-40 to have this kind of performance advantage over the Zero.
Henning (HoHun)