Spitfire MK XIV tail number - question

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Apr 15, 2008
Re: MK XIV Spitfire, tail number, 3 questions

I have read that first XIV's were from RB140-RB189.
1. Are these, 'RB140-RB189', tail numbers?

2. Would it be fair to say that the RB140 was the first plane off the rack?

I have my photo of Spitfire RB140 and another person has his photo which is also said to be RB140. Therefore, these photographs are of the same plane.
3. Am I correct?

This is my picture of Pieter flying his Spitfire (RB140)
PC's Spitfire

This is his picture said to be RB140.
RB140 also

I think our photographs have to be the same plane. Tail numbers are not duplicated and the area landmarks sure look the same. If it is the same plane that would be a really coincidence.

I think this is a stupid question - but here it is all the same.
Thanks, AirAnn
Yes, those are tail numbers.

Looks like the same plane to me. Only difference I can see is that one photo seems to show the fabric covering the muzzles`of the .303 mgs shot away, the other does not.

This might be the first production Mk XIV, but there were conversions of Mk VIII airframs used for testing and prototypes which preceded it.

Check this website among others:

Spitfire Mk XIV Performance Testing
Re: MK XIV Spitfire, tail number, 3 questions

I have read that first XIV's were from RB140-RB189.
1. Are these, 'RB140-RB189', tail numbers?

2. Would it be fair to say that the RB140 was the first plane off the rack?

I have my photo of Spitfire RB140 and another person has his photo which is also said to be RB140. Therefore, these photographs are of the same plane.
3. Am I correct?

This is my picture of Pieter flying his Spitfire (RB140)
PC's Spitfire

This is his picture said to be RB140.
RB140 also

I think our photographs have to be the same plane. Tail numbers are not duplicated and the area landmarks sure look the same. If it is the same plane that would be a really coincidence.

I think this is a stupid question - but here it is all the same.
Thanks, AirAnn

1. They are serial numbers allocated by MAP when the production order is placed. Each is unique to the aircraft and never allocated to another aircraft. RB140-189 were the 8th order for contract B980385/39 Supermarine Aviation (Vickers) Ltd for Mk XIV dated 14th August 1943 and built between October 1943 and March 1944.

2. RB140 was the first production MK XIV, it was preceeded by six MK VIII airframes (JF316-321) diverted from production and fitted with Griffon engines. These were unofficially known as MK VIIIgs.

3. They are the same aircraft. They appear to be official factory or MAP photographs as the aircraft has not been given squadron codes. As it was the first production MK XIV this would not be unusual. The photographer might have been Charles Brown. RB140 went to 39 MU 20-12-43. 616 Squadron 1-2-44. Later 610 Squadron. Damaged cat E (write-off, reduced to components).

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