Spitfires in the Soviet Union.

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Lieutenant Colonel
Apr 1, 2004
Does anyone know the operational history of the Spitfires that were sent to the Soviet Union on Lend-Lease?
The only thing that I have find is this:

- Supply of Supermarine Spitfires to Soviet Union began early-1943 with transfer of 143 Mk VBs.
- 1,188 Mk IXs were supplied in 1943-44, and at least one Mk IX was modified in Russia to two-seat training configuration.
- After RAF detachments of PR Mk IVs to Northern Russia, two/three transferred to Soviet Air Force (May 1944).
- During the war, 16 russian Spitfires were shot down by finish Buffalos.



I wonder if we could get your rank changed to Base Communist? :lol: ;)

I prefer an RAF roundel or an American star to a Russian star any day
Samu wrote

Supply of Supermarine Spitfires to Soviet Union began early-1943 with transfer of 143 Mk VBs.
- 1,188 Mk IXs were supplied in 1943-44, and at least one Mk IX was modified in Russia to two-seat training configuration.
- After RAF detachments of PR Mk IVs to Northern Russia, two/three transferred to Soviet Air Force (May 1944).
- During the war, 16 russian Spitfires were shot down by finish Buffalos.

Hell, I didn't know the Russians were using blind people as pilots!

Yeah, the Fins really rocked the Russian air force...

I read a very intresting article about it in the April 2004 edition of World War II magazine.

It basically states that the Fins had crappy planes but still overcame most of the Russian pilots.

It told stories of how it was so cold, the mechanics had to take all the liquid out of the engine overnight and then put it back in early in the morning....

(Nothing to do with aviation)> I also posted in another forum, and this one Finnish guy said his great grandfather was in the Finnish infantry and when they were in the trenches, the Fins brought up water hoses and sprayed water over to the Russian trenches and the Russians just froze to death......
i once went camping and it was so cold my mars bar froze rock solid.............

(p.s., why is it that when I try to get up the smilies it just says "hacking attempt 1"?)
Thanks everyone that stayed on the topic. Thanks for the information.
Some Spitfires were used as a typical fighters (Finnish Air Force downed some) and there were also reconaissance Spits in Soviet Air Force.
The Russians used a lot of Western designed aircraft. Basically, they would use whatever they could get their hands on (the P-39 being a good example).

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