If any of you have seen the Squadron Encore series of kits and wondered about them, as I did, here is a quick review of the F-102A kit in 1/48.
What you get is a Monogram/Revell 1/48 Case XX wing F-102 as the basic kit, but then the goodies come in.
Resin seamless intakes and radome, cockpit and seat, includes the crown over the instrument panel, wheels and Falcon missiles, 3 AIM 4A and 3 AIM 4D, Control services and rudder Engine enhancements.
PE includes 2 seets, 1 color cockpit and one with wheel well and engine as will was weapons bay and gear enhancements.
I bought mine at $46 and I would say it was a bargain. With the re release of the Revell F-102 going at $29 US you are getting a lot for your money. You will also note I bought the AIM-26 separately and you can get the digital "F-102A in detail and scale" and the new "F102A Colors and Markings" from Amazon in both Kindle and iBooks format. If you have not checked out these reference materials, I highly recommend them.
What you get is a Monogram/Revell 1/48 Case XX wing F-102 as the basic kit, but then the goodies come in.
Resin seamless intakes and radome, cockpit and seat, includes the crown over the instrument panel, wheels and Falcon missiles, 3 AIM 4A and 3 AIM 4D, Control services and rudder Engine enhancements.
PE includes 2 seets, 1 color cockpit and one with wheel well and engine as will was weapons bay and gear enhancements.
I bought mine at $46 and I would say it was a bargain. With the re release of the Revell F-102 going at $29 US you are getting a lot for your money. You will also note I bought the AIM-26 separately and you can get the digital "F-102A in detail and scale" and the new "F102A Colors and Markings" from Amazon in both Kindle and iBooks format. If you have not checked out these reference materials, I highly recommend them.