Stanislaw Lapka

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Oct 5, 2009
Hi there,

I am newly registered and wondered if anyone could help me? I put a post next to the photo I found of my Grandad Stan - Unfortunately he died before I was born but I have heard many wonderful stories about him know that he was a excellent Spitfire fighter during the battle of Britain. I was looking for photos of him because I wanted to show my mum pics of her dad that she possibly hadn't seen before and lo behold . . . I found the most amazing painted photograph of him standing in front of his plane - on this website. Can anybody help me locate the right person to contact to see if I can get a better quality jpeg of the photo printed for my Mum her sister? It would be a wonderful suprise for them to see their Dad standing proudly next to his spitfire.

Thanks in Advance for your help.

If you look at the username of the person who posted the picture and send him/her a Private Message, perhaps you might be in luck? If not, there might be one or two people here who can possibly help. I hope you are able to obtain a copy, good luck.


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