It was certainly not the 'wonder weapon' of the early war propaganda but I think nevertheless it was a very effective unit to have.
It was. It is difficult to be sure how many were built but it's around 5,700. There were still 245 seviceable Ju 87s listed in the Luftwaffe QMG returns for January 10th 1945. It might have had its vulnerabilities but it certainly wasn't a dud.
Stukas sank tens,maybe hundreds, of thousands of tons of shipping,destroyed hundreds of aircraft (mainly on the ground),and hundreds of tanks. They offered close support to their Army and at longer range rendered enemy airfields inoperable.
The problem during the BoB was that when the Stukas did disable a British airfield (which they did several times) the Army wasn't going to follow up,allowing it to be repaired. They did interupt the merchant shipping in the channel and they did drive the RN's flotilla of destroyers out of the channel to safer waters. Using a tactical aircraft to achieve a strategic objective may have been a bridge too far for the Stuka in the BoB but it still gave a good account of itself.
I'm not sure that the Luftwaffe ever had 500 Ju 87s available. For example on 21st June 1941,ready for Barbarossa the Luftwaffe had an establishment of 334 Ju 87s of which 233 were operational. Most were Luftflotte 2 and Luftflotte 4,ready for the invasion. 42 (36 serviceable) were in Finland under Luftflotte 5. 40 (33 serviceable) were in North Africa with I./St.G.1 and others (can't find how many) with II./St.G.2 and I./St.G.3.
I doubt that the Luftwaffe had many more than 100-120 serviceable Ju 87s in place for the invasion of the Soviet Union.
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