Sunderland Vs Catalina

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the lancaster kicks ass said:
3 in one day, that's pretty impressive...............

Ther oither 2 were U462 U504, these were sunk by gunfire from the Sloops HMS Kite, Woodpecker, Wren, Woodcock

I'm going to go with the Catalina based on it's range (very important in patrol) and it's versatility. Check the Black Cats site posted on Page one for some really good reading.
Does anyone know if the Sunderland was every used as a bomber? I know the Black Cats flew a lot of night strikes in the Pacific.
But did it ever attack land targets? Or could it carry torpedoes like that Cat could?

i never knew the cat could take torps!!! i've never heard of a sunderland taking torps, but there wasn't much need............
I don't think I've ever seen a photo, but apparently they occasionally made night torpedo drops against Japanese shipping. During the fighting around the Solomons, one Cat made a daylight run and slammed two fish into a Japanese transport. I'll be looking for a pic though.

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