Super Fabric Seat Belts

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Aug 17, 2018
After searching all over the internet I cannot find super fabric seat belts for the A6M2 Zero. I've check Eduards, etc., etc., etc. No one seem to have them. Is there a place I haven't looked yet?

I wasn't too impressed with the WW2 Japanese belts in Eduard's SuperFabric range. I tried them on a Fine Molds Mitsubishi Claude seat and as you can see they were grossly over-scale and not particularly well printed. I ended up using Eduard's regular painted PE belts and they were much better looking.


After seeing them I'm not impressed either. They're pretty ugly. I will stay with the Eduards PE belts as well. Thanks for the info. Cheers!
After mucking about with this seat belt issue I decided to make my own. I'm sure most of you are familiar with this gimmick but I'll toss it out there anyway. I have some old kits from back in the '90's and the seats were bare; there weren't any of the addon's they have now. Anyway, I decided to take a length of solder and hammer it almost paper thin; then I cut it with a blade to make it the right width. Next, I took a needle nose, pliers and made indents using a cross-hatch to simulate cloth. Once they're painted they look pretty sharp. Just a thought. Cheers!

Pictures... we need pictures...
Okay, I can do that. I'll post them tomorrow.

These are really enlarged; they're about a 16th of an inch wide and they can be as long as one needs to make them depending on the size of the bucket. They were hammered down to about the thickness of card stock. The top one needs to be straightened but I'll do that with a file. Sorry, the one is a tad out of focus but I think you get the idea.

Looking good. But wouldn'y be easier to use the piece of aluminium foil that can be found at almost all boxes with groceries? Additionally there can be found the aluminium foul of the surface texture similar to the belt one. Just a matter of having a look around. I used the one from a top cap of a cup of yoghurt. For the buckles I used some of thin coppery wire.

It's unbelievable what you chaps come up with. These examples sure beat my act. I'm definitely going to give these examples a try. Great work Wurger! But as old as I am I'll most likely have to use an electron microscope to make these things.
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THX. However, I can you assure a pair of good glasses is enough.

Actually, I only need glasses for reading, but when it comes to making these tiny little things I'm sure I can get by with a pair of magnifying peepers.
Rather than hammering solder, you might consider the metal foil around the top of some wine bottles. Nice and bendy, already flat, and hold whatever shape you bend it to.
Rather than hammering solder, you might consider the metal foil around the top of some wine bottles. Nice and bendy, already flat, and hold whatever shape you bend it to.

You're right, especially after view Wurger's work. I have thin copper wire and most everyone has aluminum foil, so I'll do some experimenting. Thanks!

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