Surviving Marauders?

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the collector who owns the museum in lakeland fla has one that i am pretty sure is in flyable condition
Kermit Weeks owns an airworthy B-26 which is on display at his Fantasy of Flight museum in Polk City, FL.

Took a picture of it two years ago when I was on vacation.



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The one that Joe was talking about that crashed belonged to the CAF.

On September 28, 1995, the "Carolyn" crashed as it was returning to the Confederate Air Force HQ at Midland, Texas, from a pilot qualification flight made in preparation for the "CAF Airsho 95." The aircraft was on approach at an altitude of 250 feet when it apparently lost engine power and abruptly veered to the right and nosed into the ground. The "Carolyn" was destroyed in the crash--all five crewmembers aboard died.



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Kermits B-26 is the only flyable one at present , although right now it's having some engine problems , I was recently at an fly in there at his museum and asked him about it and he told me one of the engines has some needed fixing .

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