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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Some of us have been discussing, and moaning about, the lack of swastika decals recently.
I've just had an update e-mail today (12 Dec) from Hannants, the UK mail order house; they now have a new decal sheet , in 1/72nd, 1/48th and 1/32nd scales, for Luftwaffe swastikas, from Model Art Decals. UK price approx £6.50.
Grab them while you can guys!
I got a whole sheet of them in different sizes years ago when I was doing my He-111 cause it's so unethical to supply them in kits these days from AeroMaster decals in Florida. Still got heaps left and glad to help out anyone who is stuck with some or product codes or the like.
Here in Germany you can get a decal sheet for 8 Euro; the only little problem is, that you cant display your model in public. For public display you have to hide it, otherwise you will have accused by the attorney for dispalying signs of a criminal organization ( § 86 StGB, Criminal Code )

greets Thomas
Interesting, Tango. I knew the swastika was banned in Germany, and didn't think you'd be able to get decals there. It's good for modellers that they are available, but must be awkward and frustrating if displaying models at an exhibition or competition. Thanks for the information.
Taking it a bit far I think. What do you when you have an IPMS competition or something then, how do you judge on accuracy etc...must be as "old sausage" said, frustrating.

I think that is a law that is almost always overlooked. The Police and Lawyers do not attack those that are not using them for criminal purposes. I believe the rule of common sense comes into play here.

Why do I say so?

1. Go to all the major museums, i.e. Deutsches Museum, Sinsheim, Luftwaffe Museum, etc.. and you will see Swastikas on the aircraft, models, vehicals, etc.

2. I am a collector of authentic Third Reich uniforms and artifacts and I have displayed my collection at museums and libraries (at the request of the venue) and I have never had a problem.

I have even been stopped by the Polizei (regular traffic stops) and they have seen pieces of my collection (tunics, flags, headgear, etc.). They ask me why I have it, I explain it to them and they let me go without a hassle.
High School buddy of mine once lived in Germany for a couple years of his youth. He told me he went to a hobby shop once looking for Swastika decals and drew a picture of one for the clerk. He said he was hauled to the Jailhouse and his Father had to come and get him.
I originally though he was just telling a tale, but he swore it happened.

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