Swedes at War....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Interesting book indeed...

Just read that the Military Academy Karlberg (Swedish: Militärhögskolan Karlberg) our military academy which since its inauguration in 1792, operate in the Karlberg Palace in Solna, just north of central Stockholm. It seems it's the oldest military academy in the world to remain in its original location...imagine that!
I didn't know that there were Swedish volunteers in the Polish resistance during WWII, one being a Princess, four of them were sentenced to death, luckily....the SS only managed to uncover a part of their activities...which included carrying big sums of money, for the resistance.
Some of the Swedes, were high up in Ericsson and ASEA...

Interesting indeed, they had some potent weaponry, albeit the most dangerously potent after Germany surrendered. Still reading through the wiki armoury link Jan... Certainly useful, I dare say the book "Finland's Decision" partially ties into it on the political side slightly.

I think Sweden was very ready and even more careful of being on any seen on any 'one' side; much like Switzerland was, even though most people in the EU some in the US are ignorant of the rules about Neutrality and what limits and benefits it grants such Nations.

And so far that's largely ignoring the military histories and rivalries between the Swedish Empire, Prussia/(Pomerania) and the Germanic/Baltic Leagues from post Roman up to the 18th Centuary.

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