Sword Ki-84 markings "357FR"

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Mar 22, 2015
Hello all! I'm building the Sword 1/72 Ki-84 and one of the marking options is for a natural metal machine from the "357th FR" with a tail marking that roughly looks like a 1164....but I don't know much about Japanese markings and I can't see anything on Google.

Picture of the instructions included.

Does anyone have any references to this plane or unit? Thanks!
Judging by the single exhaust pipe this is one of the so called "supplementary prototypes" (pre-production series) and not a production model. 125 supplementary prototypes have been built and they differed in minor details, impossible to list or describe AFAIK.
164 could be the serial, not the unit identification.

I do have some Japanese publications. I will take a quick look.
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Shinpachi, arrigato for the photo. Photo (of course!) is correct, profile is wrong. Photo shows the single exhaust pipe or the pre-production a/c, profile shows the multiple exhaust pipes of the standard production.
BTW what's the first letter/digit (on the left side, like mirrored C) - is this 1?
You have good eyes, CATCH22
It's "コ (ko)". Probably "ko" for "Yo-ko-suka".

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