Tank found in Grafenwoehr.

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
At the Grafenwoehr Military Installation for the US Army here in Geramny they were conduction construction on hundreds of new housing units for the soldiers stationed there and during the construction yesterday they dug up some WW2 unexploded ordinance and found a burried WW2 Tank.

The article did not say whether it was a US tank or a German Panzer though. I will continue to try and find info on this because either way it is a cool find but if it were a Tiger or Panther that would be amazing!
There are several Tigers and Panthers here in Germany in Musuems such as the Sinsheim Museum. I might go to the Sinsheim museum on Saturday.
There's one Tiger at Bovingdon, and it does run, although very occasionally. Tankfest is your best chance to see it get it's claws out.
i went to bovington a couple of years back and it's an absolutely phenominal collection, with a very impressive Tiger display, she gets her own corner of a hall whereas the King Tiger's in with all the other rifraf :lol:
The Sinsheim has a King Tiger, Tiger, Panther, Me-163, Me-262, Bf-109, Fw-190, Ju-52, among many other aircraft and tanks and military equipment. I think I will go there on Saturday and take lots of pictures.
i'd love to see some of them pics as i'm sure everyone else would, but if for any odd reason you ever are in the UK check out Bovington- simply phenominal.........
The Sinsheim has a King Tiger, Tiger, Panther, Me-163, Me-262, Bf-109, Fw-190, Ju-52, among many other aircraft and tanks and military equipment. I think I will go there on Saturday and take lots of pictures.

Got to agree with Lancaster ***, take lots of picture's, would love to see them.

I will, I talked to my wife about going on Saturday and I think we are. It is only like an hour to hour and half drive from my house.

And Lanc I think I went to Bovington several years ago. I will have to look for the pictures that I have from there. I think I have one of me standing next to the Tiger.
yes they've got lots of oddities and one offs, including some of the very first WWI era experimental craft...........
You guys provide us with pics from the museums in Europe, and I will take a trip over to the March AFB museum and take some pics.
Syscom that sounds like a plan.

Henk I will be going to the Sinsheim Museum next weekend.

I am spending New Years in Berlin and I plan on going to the Luftwaffe Museum there.

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