Hi all,
Well thanks to the monitors I am now a monitor also. Mainly to clean up and monitor the technial area. Ive moved a few posts including my own around. Both bomber and gun sight manuals have been moved to the other electrial systems to keep every thing neat and clean in the same field of area.
Ive also sticky posted a few links in the technical area to the top that have lots of manuals in them to download.
These are below
Misc Vehicles
Aircraft identification manuals and tactics
Airfield structures and layouts.
Things in the future are that I would like to combine all aircraft manuals by type.
Say all types of spitfire manuals under spitfire or all the different versions of mustang manuals under the title Mustang. This should help clean things up and make things easier to find.
Any questions or comments. Feel free to ask
Joe, I think you created a monster!!!!!!
Well thanks to the monitors I am now a monitor also. Mainly to clean up and monitor the technial area. Ive moved a few posts including my own around. Both bomber and gun sight manuals have been moved to the other electrial systems to keep every thing neat and clean in the same field of area.
Ive also sticky posted a few links in the technical area to the top that have lots of manuals in them to download.
These are below
Misc Vehicles
Aircraft identification manuals and tactics
Airfield structures and layouts.
Things in the future are that I would like to combine all aircraft manuals by type.
Say all types of spitfire manuals under spitfire or all the different versions of mustang manuals under the title Mustang. This should help clean things up and make things easier to find.
Any questions or comments. Feel free to ask
Joe, I think you created a monster!!!!!!