The Army and the Air Force Try to Work Together

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Tech Sergeant
Nov 5, 2005
There's an Air Force guy driving from McChord to Ft Lewis, and an Army guy driving from Ft Lewis to McChord. In the middle of the night with no other cars on the road they hit each other head on and both cars go flying off in different directions.

The Air Force guy manages to climb out of his car and surveys the damage. He looks at his twisted car and says,....."Man, I am really lucky to be alive!"

Likewise the Army guy scrambles out of his car and looks at his wreckage. He too says to himself, ..... "I can't believe I survived this wreck!"

The Army guy walks over to the Air Force guy and says,...... "Hey man, I think this is a sign from God that we should put away our petty differences and live as friends instead of archrivals"

The Air Force guy thinks for a moment and says, ...... "You know, you're absolutely right! We should be friends. Now I'm gonna see what else survived this wreck"

So the Air Force guy pops open his trunk and finds a full, unopened bottle of Jack Daniels.

He says to the Army guy, "I think this is another sign from God that we should toast to our new found understanding and friendship"

The Army guy replies, "You're damn right!" and he grabs the bottle and starts sucking down Jack Daniels. After putting away nearly half the bottle the Army guy hands it back to the Air Force guy and says, "Your turn!"

The Air Force guy twists the cap back on the bottle and says, "Nahh, I think I'll wait for the cops to show up."
Funny! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

True story:
I was in airborne school. 9 airforce and almost 500 army were in the same Battalion. back then we wore the solid olive drab "pickle" uniforms and the Army wore BDU's. We stuck out like sore thumbs...... a bunch of pickles in a sea of camo..

I cant count the army guys who came up to me and said, " I tried to join the air force but I couldn't pass the tests." or "I tried to join the air force but I have a criminal record." or "I wish I would of joined the air force, you have better food and hot chicks!"

I went to Benning with a chip on my shoulder ready to stand up to any Army puke B.S. but instead most treated me with respect and envy.

I respect the Army and its history and I'm sure there are many brilliant people enlisted... :D

Also out of the 90 people in my PT entrance exam I finished 8th in the run...

5 of the top 7 runners were Marines. No Marine told me they wish they were in the Air Force

Don't flame me Army guys, it's a true story!

No Marine told me they wish they were in the Air Force

Damn straight! :lol:

The first two squadrons I was in were joint USN/USAF commanded squadrons. They provided some interesting insights.

One of my buddies said this, "I wanted to fly planes, I'm slightly overweight, and hate to PT. So, I joined the Air Force."

Good pilot - C-130 driver... just a different mindset.
One of my buddies said this, "I wanted to fly planes, I'm slightly overweight, and hate to PT. So, I joined the Air Force."

Good pilot - C-130 driver... just a different mindset.

Hey now... Are calling Zoomies fat?!
Well come to think of it they probably are the least fit of all the services..
Best living conditions, great food, Higher average IQ's, hottest women will do that to you!

As an E-3, I actually had a room to myself for 2 years. As an E-4, I had maid service..!

Alas, I broke the proud tradition... here are pics of my Grand Pa in WW1 ARMY, My Father in WW2 ARMY (Invaded Sicily) and which is perhaps symbolic of the softening of America Me AIR FORCE (Stationed in Sicily, Gulf War 1)



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Maid service?! God god! :shock:

Ah, submarines boys. It's the only way to go. :toothy5:

Yep... Maid service , a room by myself in Mountain Home Idaho...

Plus I got 3 hours off every Friday for Rifle Target competition...

Did I mention the hot chicks?
Did I mention the hot chicks?

And unless you were wearing the pickle suit with the 3 foot zipper you were not getting the hot chicks.

We did training with some "hot chicks" from the USAF on several occasions over here in Europe and they ditched the other non flying Airforce guys for us Army Flying guys when we went out to the bars and clubs.

By the way the Marines have the hottest chicks by the way.
We have a few chicks on the boats too actually, but they're not exactly what one might consider "hot". :-k

Actually, I'd even be hesitant to call them chicks. It just doesn't seem to fit quite right. :lol:

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