Going back to the original questions;
1st post
best light bomber of the war?
2nd post
best Russian bomber of the war?
we get into definitions.
1. What is a light bomber?
I like the A-26 but it weighs empty about what a Mosquito did with the Mosquito carrying a 4000lb bomb. The US may have called it a light bomber but only on comparison to a B-29.
Now things did change with time but even a Mosquito weighed considerably more than the PE-2 (perhaps 35% more depending on loads in each aircraft).
DO we decide on a somewhat arbitrary weight limit?
Bombload gets iffy real quick as some countries used external carriage of ordnance much more than other countries and many Japanese bombers carried a small war load but comparatively massive amounts of fuel.
The PE-2 not only stayed in service for the duration of the war, it stayed in service for several more years.
The US, once the A-20 went to R-2600 engines, got out of the light bomber catagory. Late model A-20s could gross over 50% more than a PE-2.
The British have the Mosquito and the Beaufort but both weigh a lot more than the PE-2.
So does the ME-210 and the Germans have no other aircraft with an internal bomb-bay anywhere near 16-18,000lbs after 1939/40.
Keep the weight limit at 17-19,000lb max gross and the PE-2 has a shot at the title of Best light bomber. Let the weight limit rise to 22-24,000lbs and the Mosquito pretty much takes over with a few other contenders for 2nd place. Including the TU-2.
For the 2nd question there is little doubt that the TU-2 was the best Russian bomber. However, it's contribution to the Soviet efforts were minimal due to small numbers. 80 were completed up until Jan 1943 when production stopped and was not restarted until Dec of 1943. 16 more being completed that month. By June of 1944 the 334th Red Banner Bomber Air Division began service trials on the Tu-2 with a strength of 87 aircraft of which 74 were airworthy. By Jan 1945 the Russians had 278 Tu-2s in service with 3 different units with 264 of them airworthy. This was 9% of the Soviet Bomber fleet. At the end of the war 1013 TU-2s had been built but the total production reached 2527 aircraft with the post war production.
The DB-3/IL-4 series falls in here and while a quite serviceable aircraft one is hard pressed to call it
best of much of anything unless best
Russian built medium bomber for
most of the war.