The British are selfish for leaving the French at Dunkirk

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And before you accuse another forum writer of lying again I suggest you quote word for word not sections of what is written to make yourself look good.
I quoted a full paragraph not a few words.
let's see what you wrote
That the French are making overtures for the removal of all Allied Servicemens Bodies and remains to be removed from the old World War One cemetries. The French are claiming they don't want this RUBBISH litering their soil any more. This includes British Canadians Americans Australians New Zealanders and other Sericemen from other Commonwealth Countries that fought and died in France during 1914 to 1918.
In your defence you find an article from 3 years back on the desecration of a number of graves by a few mindless thugs, and the fact that due to the building of an airport a few wars graves may have to be moved.
Considering that the French government publicly apologised for the desecration of these graves, and that they also stated that any movement of the war graves due to the development of the airport would be done with due respect and honour, what on earth gives you cause to say that the French wanted to remove all Allied war graves from
France, and that in the words you wrote don't want this RUBBISH litering their soil any more"

. now i have backed up my claim to suit myself.
You've backed up only one thing, your original statement was untrue

Its up to you now to do your own research before calling any one a liar. And I have nothing to be ashamed of
I don't need to research anything.
You have proven my case for me

you need another injection take this one as a link with photos mindless thugs yes an airport to be built over a war graves with official approval at first until protests received think again redcoat. Take a good look at the words transcribed on the photo its at a war graves site under the direction of the Commonwealth War graves Comission. Just because you don't read the news in Stockport USA doesn't mean we don't in other countries now get with it. Also in your own country redcoat is is true or not that protestors have been showing up at the funerals of servicemen and women killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan. you wanted proof i gave it to you not my fault you can't agree with the proof i gave you. my sources stand now yours. BY the way the BBC news is world recognized as a factual news source
Now the entire link goes onto say about anti US and anti UK sediment in France. link accordingly is 3 yrs old however it speaks for itself. Now you prove otherwise and i will give you the link again. In Flanders Fields ~ 2003 it appears photos speak louder then words i suggest you look at that photo then read the whole link then come back and tell me what it means. i challenge you to try and explain it

I'm British, not American.

I'm sorry, but the fact is, just because a few mindless thugs wrote graffiti over some war graves, you cannot accuse a whole nation of the same feelings.
i don't give a toss if you are irish or swalhili yet you have showed nothing to back up your own claims that i am lying yet i have placed several links to back up my claims. where are yours redcoat. where are your counter arguements redcoat. you asked for links you got them. now yours redcoat prove to me i am lying, and at no time did i accuse all frenchmen of doing that you preceived that i did. if you misread of misquoted me the fault lays with yourself not with me
Everyone loves to pounce on us stupid americans. The protesters that have made news showing up at servicemember funerals are a group of crazed religious nuts that make comments that the US military condones homosexuality and that God is killing the troops and such nonsense. Maybe there are other instances - but that is the biggest protest group one making the news.

mkloby> I didn't mention the US at all and her military. And Americans are not stupid. And yes i heard about those protesters doing that at funerals. I was appalled when friends of mine in the US told me about it. What can I say but this. Into the loving arms of the Lord God these men and women find final peace and rest and comfort for the families who have lost loved ones. Amen
Considering that the French government publicly apologised for the desecration of these graves, and that they also stated that any movement of the war graves due to the development of the airport would be done with due respect and honour, what on earth gives you cause to say that the French wanted to remove all Allied war graves from
France, and that in the words you wrote don't want this RUBBISH litering their soil any more"

You've backed up only one thing, your original statement was untrue

I don't need to research anything.
You have proven my case for me[/QUOTE]

Fact is i proved my case. The matter being under protests from NOT ONLY ENGLAND AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND CANADA. Building a bloody airport over War Graves is not done. I dread how you propose that the French would handle such shipments of those interned by Frenchmen only interested in earning their daily Francs for the day in shipping Allied War Dead to a new site. Its plainly not something that the bodies can be thrown into a back of a lorry and transported some distance away to make room for some bloody airport. One wonders how you would react if it was your own relatives being treated in such a shabby way. From the official protests i have read and the protests of relatives its unthinkable to believe that the French Government would even consider violating War Graves to build an airport. 3000 signitures of relatives and family of the 63 Australian Graves to be effected were sent to the French Ambassador here in Australia. The Ambassadore rejected those signitures. In saying that what does that suggest to you. It suggests to me my misguided friend, That the French do not bloody care. The only reason their Government cancelled plans to remove War Graves because of international concern directed at the French Government. If no one had objected what would have been the fate of those War Graves? Answer they would have been destroyed at worst and desecrated all the same. If the French Government had the slightest concern over War Graves the airport project would have been scrubbed right from word go as soon as it became apparent that War Graves would be effected. It didn't so hence my statement stands
Fact is i proved my case.
Not even close.
There are 574.046 marked Commonwealth war graves in France. The French are only talking about moving 64 of them.

. Building a bloody airport over War Graves is not done
You really need to get out more.
In my home town of Stockport about 20 years back they moved a graveyard that was in the way of a new motorway, including a couple of WW1 war graves
Can't stand most Frogs. I'm surrounded by them.

Anybody got a university professorship in English Civ going for someone who has no intention of actually doing anything?

I was referring to this comment - back when redcoat was an American.

Considering that not just 64 Australian Soldiers remains were to be removed it was 14,000 grave sites of British Soldiers to be removed and the French Govt had not informed any other Government including British Australian New Zealand or Canadain about the removal of so many remains of Deceased World War One Soldiers. This is far more than a few Graves moved in Stockport UK. And in the removal of such graves redcoat all these graves would have to be catalogued all Brass burial plates and stone work would have to be removed and replaced precisely as when they were removed All relatives of those inturned in the cemetry would have to be notified. None of which the French Govt would have done if they were not found out in the first place and exposed for what they are. As a matter of fact the airport boundary was to be bordered by a mass grave site of French and German War dead but this was to be untouched. Strange how at the time the French Govt was in a verbal slanging match with other Goevernments at the time over Iraq. 2 of those countries being England and Australia. Its not me who needs to get out more its yourself who needs to get his own head out of his own nether regions and realise that France isn't your buddy buddy when it comes to politics in the EU countries. As a matter of interest redcoat the Turkish Govt informed the Governments of Australia and New Zealand when a new road development was to occur in the Gallipoli region of Turkey. Turkey went to get lengths to accomodate with the Australian and New Zealand govts to ensure that the least possible disturbances of Grave Sites would occur. If France had done something similar my ignorant friend there would not have been such an uproar as there was. but France did not.; It appears to me you are in this site for enjoyment of the site. I am too but it also appears to me that the remains and Grave Sites of Soldiers Airmen and Sailors you hold in low essteem and thats a pity because you seem not to care about your own nations sacrifice as long as you keep the French happy
Can't stand most Frogs. I'm surrounded by them.

Anybody got a university professorship in English Civ going for someone who has no intention of actually doing anything?

Nor can I and have a long memory when the French Govt decided to explode and test atomic weapons in the Pacific Region some years ago despite all protests from Pacific Island Nations including Australia and New Zealand and when French secret service agents were sent to sink in Auchland Harbour New Zealand the peace vessel for Green Peace Rainbow Warrior. And 2 innocent men of Rainbow Warrior were murdered by these French Secret Service Agents in the explosion on the Rainbow Warrior. On return after these secret service agents from prisons in New Zealand the French Govt awarded to these scum medals for bravery. How absolutely charming of France to do that. Attack a peace vessel in a nuetral harbour and kill innocent people just to test atomic weapons in the Pacific. So its not the British who are selfish but its sheer French arrogance since Dunkirk and up to the present date as far as I am concerned, and still I have shown to redcoat this and still he thinks France is his friend
You really do hate the French don't you
Prey tell how you know what the French would have done, or not done. Do you have a crystal ball by any chance

They showed a TV film of that episode the other night - I was torn between smashing the TV, and being violently sick. The "Turenges" were of course portrayed as gallant French Officers doing their duty, etc.

At a time when we are all supposed to be getting tough on state-sponsored terrorism, it's a pity no-one is pointing at the French, because they bloody well should be. The day Anglo-Americano-Aussie-Polish-Long-List Of Friends forces want to invade this dump, give me a ring first. I'll see what I can do to help! (PS And then the Aussies could continue to use the name Champagne! Good on yer!)

And 10/10 to the Kiwis, who LET THE BASTARDS GO instead of keeping them in jug for the rest of their naturals. Clever, lads, whatever gutless threats the Frogs may have made. Or whatever lies they may have told you.

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