Senior Airman
The American units got mauled because the German fighters from the middle to the end of the war had cannon equipped fighters. The Fw190 had 4 20mm cannon and 2 13mm machineguns and some of their other aircraft had as much or more. The Germans wouldn't have mauled anything if they would've had 8 8mm machineguns as their only armament.
The Brits got mauled again, because they were using 303's to defend against 20mm cannon. Just like a Sherman trying to fight a Panther or Tiger, when you can be killed from a range and you can't harm the other person, it usually turns into a retreat or a slaughter.
The american bombers had .50 Brownings, which are flatter shooting than the German Mg151/20, Mk108 or 13mm mgs. Yet they still got 'mauled'.
There were plenty of gunners in Lancasters and Halifaxes who shot down late war (well armored) German fighters with .303s.
Even so, the Lanc and the Halifax were armed with .50s in later marks (particularly RCAF planes with Preston-Green gun mount), and some Lancs even had 20mm cannons (unofficially).
Wars are not paid for with design requirments and good intentions, it takes cold hard cash. To replace thousands of .303 brownings with .50s would mean taking away from other parts of the war effort. It would be uneconomical to leave all those .303s collecting dust, spend money on different (more powerful) machine guns, and then perhaps not have enough resources to put tracks on tanks, or boots on soldiers feet.
Fear does not bring down aircraft, but it does affect aircrew and their performance, morale, will to fight, exhaustion level etc. It is foolish to ignore psychological impact. Every airman in a Luftwaffe bomber had seen a hundred movie scenes with mobs of 'bad guys' being mowed down by 'tommy guns'. To many of those young men, eight machine guns would seem like an apocolyptic weapon system. It's pretty hard to measure what effect that might have had, but that doesn't make it any less real.
BTW, Hurricanes in the PTO didn't have much trouble against Japanese bombers.