The Falklands

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Love the Enfield. She still shoulders on after almost 100 years. I love that rifle.

Didn't realize that the Argentines were equiped with M-14s (or perhaps M-21s)!! :shock: Looks like US gear too.

Is U.S made M-14 the adaptation to scope were done later. The Marines used also a version of the Garand-Beretta M59 adapted to shoot the 7,62mm NATO.

jeez where do the argies get off not carrying 170lbs of gear with them... that's just not cricket.....

I dont know what is your accent in the word argie, but this was created in wartime as an offensive a demeaning word, and it remain like that.

I dont think the Mods will care about it but I do.

And FAL better than M-14

As an assault rifle maybe but the Springfield is more accurate.
And my choice too, CB.

I don't think Lanc meant anything derogatory. I certainly didn't read that into the "argies" term. Read like "brits" or "japs" to me.

But then some folks have become so politically sensitive that you can't use the term "oriental" anymore either.
It's another case of the world becoming politically correctness mad. You, Charles, being offended by the term "Argies" would be like me being offended by the term "Brits".

Argies is not a derogatory term in Britain - so you shouldn't take it as one. Unless you want to be insulted by Argentinian as well.
Argies is not a derogatory term in Britain

I going to accept that as a fact, still that word dont let me a good taste in my mouth.

Unless you want to be insulted by Argentinian as well.

No problems with the word argentine o argentinian, I feel very proud to be from this country.

But then some folks have become so politically sensitive that you can't use the term "oriental" anymore either

Not my case just I want to make the things clear in here....I think we did.
I'm glad you can see that it is not meant as an insult. As I said; the British are the Brits, the Scottish are the Scots, the Japanese are the Japs, the Australians are the Aussies and the Argentinians are the Argies.

If you wanted to be insulting, I guess you could all those above;

Limeys, Jocks, Nips, Diggers and ... erh, what do we call the Argentinians to insult 'em anyway? :lol:
Haha, if you're a Southerner - you can be extra insulted if I call you a Yankee bastard! :laughing6:
You can't insult me, Plan D. I've heard and seen it all. :)

I'm quite comfortable in my genetic pool. And I have a Confederate Flag hanging in my garage! :laughing6:
Damn it. Oh well, it was worth a try. :rolleyes: *cough* Unionist *cough*
Well, with that issue solved , I go back to pictures.

Scoped FM-FAL


FN-MAG nest.


British Kicked ASS!
No airborne harrier losses against any the Argies - the worst that happend was a single cannon shot through the fin of a harrier - didnt do much at all lol - SAS rule- wiped out a whole airfield - the only casualty was a guy tripping over and fracturing his leg or spraining it or something lol! 2 ships were lost however because of a stupid mistake of the captain that prevented the sea fox missile system from shooting down the delivering jets....but the longest bombing mission in history was from a few Vulcans and Victor or valiant refueling jets.....
Interesting that the FN MG nest shows the belt outside of the structure. While that may have been easy on the arms, not really a great idea.

What is the tracked vehicle, CB? Reminds me of the US Marine LAVs.
Is a posed phot. you know...:rolleyes:

What is the tracked vehicle, CB? Reminds me of the US Marine LAVs

It is a LVTP-7.


2 ships were lost however because of a stupid mistake of the captain that prevented the sea fox missile system from shooting down the delivering jets....but

That was the sinking of the HMS Coventry, but actually were 6 Ship lost by the Royal Navy.

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