The Here, Now

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sad ... sad ... state of the times.

The graphic simulated image taken on May 15, 2021 shows China's probe landing on Mars. The lander carrying China's first Mars rover has touched down on the red planet, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) confirmed on Saturday morning. It is the first time China has landed a probe on a planet other than Earth. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang)
"... You have confidence in their veracity?"
This publication reflects what the CCP considers 'permissible, constructive ..' so I read everything with that in mind. I consider it crucial to see events through Chinese eyes ... through Russian eyes .... through German eyes ... through Japanese eyes .. etc.
But 1.4 Billion people is an existential reality ...
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F-16C Fighting Falcons assigned to the 457th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron are parked on the flight line at the 71st Air Base, Campia Turzii, Romania,. (Master Sgt. Megan Crusher/Air Force)
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AFT: The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) transits the Gulf of Alaska, May 7, 2021, in support of flight operations above the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex and Gulf of Alaska during Exercise Northern Edge 2021 (NE21). (MC3 Brandon Richardson/Navy

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