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The starting order in the video is 3-4-2-1. So in that sense you are correct, there is no edit between turning 4 and turning 2. However, there are edits between turning 3 and turning 4, between turning 2 and turning 1, and during the removal of the start cart. Frankly, I think it is possible the Lancaster could carry Fat Man, but not while dragging the start cart...There's no edit from #2 engine start, to #3 engine start.
You have absolutely ZERO idea how much fuel is consumed under full power in an overload condition, ZERO.Says the guy who claimed 20% fuel burn prior to TO...and couldn't see the obvious error in that statement.
You have absolutely ZERO idea how much fuel is consumed under full power in an overload condition, ZERO.
Additionally, you have provided absolutely no other credible data that would indicate otherwise, so you really should quite while you're ahead.
In regards to this idiotic fantasy that a Lancaster could nuke Japan - it didn't.
End of story.
Putting it (very) simply, drag is about the shape of the object, its physical size and frontal area and how it moves through the air. Other complexities include the viscosity of the air, the speed of the object etc. With an increase in speed comes an increase in drag, which correspondingly reduces acceleration and increases workload to maintain specific values. Basically, the faster you go, the greater the amount of resistant force on the aircraft and therefore the greater the amount of work required to maintain those values. Acceleration decreases and the engines have to work harder, which means a higher fuel consumption as the aircraft accelerates on take off and into establishing the climb. With aircraft that are heavily laden, around 20 percent of their total fuel load is used just to get off the runway (a value roughly calculated in a class exercise using a 747, its total fuel load and its MTOW versus its speeds and acceleration).
By even fitting a streamlined bulge to the underside covering the Fat Man would be like increasing the frontal area of the Lancaster by nearly twice its value since the bomb is almost the same diameter as the aircraft.
Oh and Mark, as an engineer as you've pointed out, since you don't know the exact content of what Ramsey revealed to Chadwick, it's best not to presume until you do.
Not the same as having a dedicated, trained and qualified co-pilot.The Lancaster has a Flight Engineer to assist, along with the Navigator.
1. Could the Lancaster have attained sufficient altitude to drop the weapon?
2. Could the Lancaster have escaped the target area sufficiently quickly to protect the crew from the blast?
As best I can determine, Guy Gibson, on the Dam Buster raid started engines at 2125 and TO at 2130.
Bricknell's The Dambusters states 2125 for Gibson's engine start and Falconer, The Dam Buster's Story states TO at 2130.
Well if if this time table is correct, Gibson managed to get the oil temp to 15C, oil Pres 90 lb/sq inch and the coolant to 60C (quite do-able) as indicted in the pilot's notes. I also believe that for all Merlins, RR recommended a 2 to 4 minute warm up (of course with fighters on alert, this all went out the window). If you're taxiing down an 8000' runway, that alone could take 5 minutes unless you're taxiing like a bat out of hell.
It's in agreement with post 567.
I do not know if this will help, but the following is from the Hiroshima mission record:
0112: Trucks pick up the crews of the two observation planes, The Great Artiste and Necessary Evil.
0115: A truck picks up the crew of the Enola Gay.
0227: Enola Gay's engines are started. [ie all 4 are running]
0235: Enola Gay arrives at her takeoff position on the runway.
0245: Enola Gay begins takeoff roll.
[Enola Gay lifts off after using almost all of the 8400 feet of runway, this would take about 80-90 seconds?]
0247: The Great Artiste takes off.
0249: Necessary Evil takes off.
My comments in [ ].
OK, so start up was at 0227 and take off was at ~0246. Lets call it 20min. According to the B-29 manual we can expect to use 3USG/minute during warmup and and 20USG/min for TO. Let's go with 18min for warm up and 2 minutes for TO (full power) = 18 x 3USG and 2 X 20USG = 94USG out of ~8000USG total or about 1.2% of total fuel.
Why are we even arguing about the Lancaster's specific fuel consumption?
How did you work out that carrying a Fat Man would double the frontal area of a Lancaster?
Also bear in mind that 50% of the Fat Man will fit into the standard Lanc bomb bay, which means only 50% of the bomb is exposed to the airstream.
In all reality, we'll probably never know exactly what information was exchanged. It's highly likely details of bomb size and weight were provided verbally, that any calculations were done pretty quickly and then immediately destroyed. I simply find the idea that 2 engineers would discuss an engineering problem without diving into the mathematics somewhat ridiculous.
Why are we even arguing about the Lancaster's specific fuel consumption? As was discussed early in this thread, the contingent British strategy for using the Lancaster involved in-air refueling. Testing showed that it could work. If the Lancaster had to be used, the crews and technical people would have had several months at least to work on the details and protocols. You could refuel the plane on the way out and on the way back, and even if you missed the rendezvous on the way back, the mission was important enough to sacrifice the aircraft anyway.
Says the guy who claimed 20% fuel burn prior to TO...and couldn't see the obvious error in that statement.
The fact is that an Lancaster VI can fly either of the historical missions, using a Tinian->target->Okinawa flight plan.