Honourably banned
- 44,524
- Mar 26, 2007
15 tall boys for a few mine cleares... they cost a bundle. Nah it were the pens.The raid on 6/7 April wasn't targeting the E-boat pens. The target was the Sperrbrecher tied up at the quayside. I thought that was clear from my post.
But 15 Tallboys seems like overkill for that target. Seems like it was 617's bombing accuracy that was needed.
Kriegsmarine had still some goodies there that could be trouble.
But it does not alter the fact very heavy costly bombs were dropped.
Now. Why would they dropped it on a target a worth while as a flea? A mine sweaper?
Ijmuiden because of its harbour and hoogovens ( high quality iron ) was a big target and heavily defended.
Also the schnellboat bunkers.
That was the target Schnellbootbunker 2.
And i am not sure tall boys were used.
Edit. See source 3

Bombardementen IJmuiden
Overzicht van bombardementen op IJmuiden en omgeving Datum Plaats Omgeving Uitvoering Slachtoffe...
The bunker.
Schnellbootbunker 2
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