Dec 9, 2006 #41 Nonskimmer Captain 8,620 9 Nov 11, 2004 Halifax, Nova Scotia Nah man, it's like drinkin' tar. I mean don't get me wrong, I love a good stout, but Christ.
Dec 10, 2006 #42 S stonewall23 Airman 71 0 Dec 2, 2006 : It is an aquired taste. But I only drink it for medical reasons..................I'm dying for a pint.
: It is an aquired taste. But I only drink it for medical reasons..................I'm dying for a pint.
Dec 10, 2006 #43 Matt308 Glock Perfection 18,961 95 Apr 12, 2005 Washington State And it's low in calories. Do you need another reason to drink it?
Dec 10, 2006 #44 DerAdlerIstGelandet Private Chemtrail Disperser Staff Mod 50,335 16,030 Nov 8, 2004 USA/Germany Guiness tastes great but its too damn thick. It like drinking cough syrup.
Dec 10, 2006 #45 S stonewall23 Airman 71 0 Dec 2, 2006 They produced a guinness light some years ago it was shite. It did not sell at all in Ireland but I heard the French liked it.
They produced a guinness light some years ago it was shite. It did not sell at all in Ireland but I heard the French liked it.
Dec 10, 2006 #46 DerAdlerIstGelandet Private Chemtrail Disperser Staff Mod 50,335 16,030 Nov 8, 2004 USA/Germany When it comes to beer from over there I prefer Kilkenny.