The new C-5M

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Hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars so that the sortie rate will rise into the upper 70 to lower 80 percentile. That makes for a logistical nightmare having to schedule two aircraft for high priority cargo. Too bad that the C-17 can't address some of the more esoteric load capabilities of the C-5. However, the debate is whether to use that same money to buy more C-17s (and thus keep the production line open) and perhaps the more outsize cargo addressed by contract use of AN-124s like that in NATO.
Just an instrumentation probe on the nose.

You sure ?? Looks like it's ready for a bit of fenceing ! Touche..... !

The website sez: "What impresses onlookers most about the first fully
modernized C-5M Super Galaxy strategic airlifter is not the twenty-two foot
long, 300-pound, orange flight test instrumentation boom on the nose,
though the structure is striking................"


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