Copyright 2019 by CAPT P. T. Deutermann, USN (ret). CAPT Deutermann is a 1963 USNA graduate who spent 26 years on active duty, all surface, primarily destroyers. He has written over 20 books, eight of them classified as "sea stories" but I think "The Nugget" is his first foray into naval aviation. The hero is an ensign arriving at Pearl Harbor on Dec 6, 1941, a newly minted dive bomber pilot there to join squadron Bombing 6 of the USS Enterprise. I won't go into details. Suffice to say he goes through Midway but is shot down near Guadalcanal. He and his radioman-gunner then begin an odyssey involving combat on the Canal, a submarine voyage and years with guerillas in the Philippines, followed by... Only the first 1/4 to 1/3 of the book involves flying. Some might like it; I found it hard going. CAPT Deutermann probably has all the nautical information correct, but I'm a ground pounder and his accuracy in my realm of expertise suffers somewhat.