The Spratley Islands.

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I have heard of this but not with this much info and if I am not mistaken the japan has the same problem maybe with Russia??I found this note interesting from the article and not hard to fanthom

In June of last year, the United States helped broker an agreement for both China's and the Philippines's ships to leave Scarborough Shoal peacefully, but China never left. They eventually blocked access to the shoal and filled in a nest of boats around it to ward off foreign fishermen.


The 3rd world war will start with the ASEAN nations telling China to f*** off and actually doing something about it.
Great article. Very interesting to read about the Chinese approach to expansion in the region

And they continue with there man-made islands ....

The construction, though, has apparently proceeded at a rapid and alarming pace. The new Defense Department report on China's military activities said that as of late December, China had reclaimed about 500 acres of land in this way.

A senior defense official told the Associated Press on Friday that the land mass has since grown to about 2,000 acres and could keep growing as the year goes on.

The DOD report warned that while Beijing's island construction intent is unclear, five emerging outposts in the Spratly Islands could be used for surveillance systems, harbors and logistical support. The report said they could also hold "at least one airfield." According to the Defense Department, work at four of the five sites has shifted to mainly development and construction.

Defense Department warns of China’s ‘extensive,’ expanding island-building | Fox News

shades of 1930's
The Ministry of Transport held a completion ceremony Friday for the 164-foot-high Huayang and Chigua lighthouses on Huayang Reef in the Spratly Islands, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

The Spratlys, mostly barren islands, reefs and atolls that are believed to be atop oil and natural gas deposits, straddle one of the world's busiest sea lanes. They are also claimed by Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei.

China starts operating 2 lighthouses on disputed South China Sea reefs | Fox News

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