The TF-X (Turkish Fighter - Experimental)

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Mr. Barbaros, you got on the aircraft, started her engines and throttled her up. What did it make you feel like?

-The aircraft gives you a lot of confidence. Especially when the canopy is closed, the visibility is great. Ergonomically speaking the LAD and its interfaces etc. are very pleasant.

It's a really big aircraft as well. Which aircraft did you get to fly before the MMU?
-I've flown with a lot of aircraft. The number exceeds 40. The majority of my flights have been with the F-4 in the Air Force Command. Later on I started flying with the F-16. I was the commander of the test fleet for 5 years. But KAAN is very pleasant. You see I'm currently flying the Hürkuş, F-16 and the Global 6000. Each and every one of these planes have a special place in my heart but KAAN makes you feel different things. Flying a Turkish aircraft is an incredibly pleasant experience. I sometimes look at its wings, I touch it and get very proud. KAAN really wants to fly. If you look at her lines, lift and control surfaces etc. It's going to be an amazing aircraft.

How many knots did you reach in the taxi tests?

-We didn't go above 15. This aircraft is more of a demonstrator for us. Hopefully we will start modifying her from June onwards and get her ready for flight. This is what we would call a technology demonstrator. We are validating the processes with this aircraft. Because there is intense production and management activities going on. There is a massive organization behind all of this. So this is essentially a trial aircraft. The second prototype which is the P1, will cover the entire envelope. We will start integrating some systems to that airframe. We will achieve 4.5th gen characteristics with our Block 10 aircraft and 5th gen by Block 20's.

What is your foresight regarding P1?
-We are expecting it to fly in 2025. I would say we are lucky and happy to have such a good team. We always managed to meet our objectives in advance of the schedule. Hopefully this won't change.

You probably have high speed taxi tests now am I right?
-We expect high speed trials to take place after November. It could take place in December as well but winter conditions, the conditions on the runway etc. there will be a lot of factors involved.

There is a lot of work left to do then.
-Yes there is. Technical preparation, safety evaluations, our maturity level in the simulator, the production and the efforts to put the aircraft on the flightline are very important. Could there be delays, yes. Seasonal conditions, supply and production could have an effect. But our plan currently is to get this aircraft ready for flight on the 27th of December.

Our viewers kept asking. I thought I would ask you as well. When you were taxiing (during her first taxi test) one engine's nozzle was closed whereas the other one was open. Did you use a single engine during that taxi? Can we hear this from you as well?

-It was our first taxi (laughs). We gave a quick decision regarding the first taxi. The aircraft had a natural pull towards the right. And since the brakes and the stick controls were limited, I used asymmetric thrust to keep the plane on the centerline. Some F-4 experience came into play. But all in all it was a very pleasant experience. Today Gökhan (the other test pilot) was much more comfortable coming in. We get better day by day.

-We started good. I thought we would be experiencing more elemental issues. We first engaged the engines, then the hydraulics, the electrical systems, the cockpit systems were always more mature. We are going well.
TAI KAAN's national engine's general design configuration has been frozen and TrMotor & TEI teams have now moved onto the detail design phase.

TEI General Manager Mahmut Akşit: "A team of 300 people are working on KAAN's engine, we have come a long way."

ASELSAN's contributions to KAAN

Aselsan is a leading Turkish defense electronics company that specializes in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced defense electronics systems and products.

  • Next gen communication Functions
  • Navigation Functions
  • Recognition and Identification functions
  • ICNI antennas
  • Helmet Integrated Imaging System and integrated ar interface

Flight Control System Sensors (IMU)
  • Kılavuz-40 system of inertial measurement units
BURFIS Project
  • IRFS
  • AESA Radar/EW Systems
  • CMDS
Integrated EO System (BEOS)
  • Karat-100 Infrared search and tracking system
  • Toygun-100 Integrated Electro optical Targeting System
  • IRIS-300 Infrared missile warning and imaging system
  • LIAS-300: Laser Warning System
  • YILDIRIM-300 Directed Infrared countermeasure system
via dBSPL member over at Pakistan Defence Forum
KAAN in her hangar after the rollout. Flightline modifications to the aircraft expected to start soon.

Related program: TAI Hurjet

TAI Hürjet has completed her 6th flight recently. The flight test program is going well.

Hürjet's iron bird test facility:

Hürjet's static test prototype (P0) undergoing tests at TAI facilities.

Hürjet's flying prototype (P1) completing one of her flights (this was the aircraft's second test).


Ukrainian engine developer Ivchenko Progress has entered the "Preliminary Design Phase Project" tender for the development of the turbofan engine of KAAN.

-Ivchenko Progress established a cooperation model with TEI within the scope of the tender.



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