The ultimate warrior of all time

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not war crimes for the simple reason the action was carried out by the U.S.A., a member of the winning club.

Sorry but thats rubbish. Your entitled to your opinion, so I will go ahead and tell you mine.

If not for the A Bombs, the war would have lasted longer and the more US Soldiers and Japanese Soldiers and Civilians would have been killed.

Simple fact...

Udet said:
Who else could have been but the Noble and Venerable Churchill who would more than rival Goebbels

You dont actually believe this do you? Goebbels was a rat and nothing more...

So it was okay for the Luftwaffe to bomb London, Warsaw, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Stalingrad, etc...

Just to name a few.

I think your views are bit skewed if you ask me.
The Samurai were beaten by the Mongols...they had no flexibitlity or improvisation in combat so I wouldn't rate them highly as a combat force. They also kept the sword long after the musket had made it less important.

I agree that samurai do not rate up there with the likes of Romans or Spartans.

Largely untested against dissimilar troops; I was not aware they were defeated by mongols.
The Samurai were beaten by the Mongols...they had no flexibitlity or improvisation in combat so I wouldn't rate them highly as a combat force. They also kept the sword long after the musket had made it less important.

In 1281, a Yuan army of 140,000 men with 4,400 ships was mustered for another invasion of Japan. Northern Kyūshū was defended by a Japanese army of 40,000 men. The Mongol army was still on its ships preparing for the landing operation when a typhoon hit north Kyūshū island. The casualties and damage inflicted by the typhoon, followed by the Japanese defense of the Hakata Bay barrier, resulted in the Mongols again recalling their armies.

Samurai and defensive wall at Hakata. Moko Shurai Ekotoba, (蒙古襲来絵詞) c.1293.The thunderstorms of 1274 and the typhoon of 1281 helped the samurai defenders of Japan repel the Mongol invaders despite being vastly outnumbered. These winds became known as kami-no-kaze, which literally translates as "wind of the gods." This is often given a simplified translation as "divine wind." The kami-no-kaze lent credence to the Japanese belief that their lands were indeed divine and under supernatural protection.

Basket - I believe the Mongols failed both times they tried to invade Japan but the Japanese were defeated twice by the Koreans in the late 1500's.
Remember the Katana wasn't used by the Samurai in the 1300's and did not see service until the 1500's.

Although its OT, about the A-bombs, well they could've been dropped elsewhere. Dropping them on major civilian cities wasn't a very bright idea.

Although its OT, about the A-bombs, well they could've been dropped elsewhere. Dropping them on major civilian cities wasn't a very bright idea.

Opinions are opinions, but you are just wrong.

Elsewhere? Where?

Dropping the A-bombs 1) ended the war, 2) saved AMERICAN lives (most important reason) and 3) saved Japanese lives.

Sounded like a good idea to me.

The first Mongol invasion was too small and the second was prepared for. Weather was a major factor in the failure of both.

The Samurai were certainly beaten in battles of both wars...even with home advantage.
An unintended consequence of the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that the damage was so horrific that any further thought by any nation of all out war has become to horrible to contemplate there fore the Cold War was COLD. No telling how many lives were saved by those two bombs in the long run. A harmless demonstration would never have had the impact those two attacks on those cities had.

Very true renrich. And if Japan would not surrender after the attack on Hiroshima (and obviously they didn't), there is NO way they would surrender after a detonation on some uninhabited Japanese island as some clueless historians have advocated for.

Don't tell me it was necessary TO, dropping the A-bombs on some of the large military bases would've more than made the point - The destructive power of the A-bomb and the after effects would've been clearly visible as-well.

The only reason the US choose to drop the two bombs on Hiroshima Nagasaki was that the US was pissed at Japan and wanted to give it a real ass kicking. Stop thinking the Allies acted non other than as angels through the entire war, its far from reality.

War is terrible, thats a fact.
Now if we want to discuss the OT subjects any further then please some moderator make a thread for this specifically.
The only reason the US choose to drop the two bombs on Hiroshima Nagasaki was that the US was pissed at Japan and wanted to give it a real ass kicking.

Soren, the fire bombing of Tokyo March 9-10, 1945, killed as many or more Japanese than the atomic raids. So don't tell me about "pissed" and "ass kicking" with regard to the nukes.

I don't give two S**ts about the number of Japanese killed in WW II. For me, the issue was saving AMERICAN lives, and that's what the Atomic raids did. And for a guy like yourself, who idolizes the Waffen SS, it's time to shut up

What ?!

I've never idiolized the Waffen SS ! And I've certainly never expressed myself any way where that could've been implied ! I despise what the Nazi's did to the Jews and I will always do so and have always done so, and AFAIK I've always made that very clear. But unlike you TO I look objectively at things, and I unlike you have long realised that the Germans weren't the only ones carrying out crimes during WW2.

So please spare us all the idiotic last comments of your post, it has no place here.

As to the people killed by the A-bombs, well approx. 200,000 died, thats abit more than the 85 -100,000 who died during the firebombing of Tokyo, which btw was the worst most devastating firebombing in history.
A number of notable individuals and organizations have criticized the bombings, many of them characterizing them as war crimes or crime against humanity and or state terrorism. Two early critics of the bombings were Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard, who had together spurred the first bomb research in 1939 with a jointly written letter to President Roosevelt. Szilard, who had gone on to play a major role in the Manhattan Project, argued:

"Let me say only this much to the moral issue involved: Suppose Germany had developed two bombs before we had any bombs. And suppose Germany had dropped one bomb, say, on Rochester and the other on Buffalo, and then having run out of bombs she would have lost the war. Can anyone doubt that we would then have defined the dropping of atomic bombs on cities as a war crime, and that we would have sentenced the Germans who were guilty of this crime to death at Nuremberg and hanged them?"
No it doesn't TO, all it says is that you're a very ignorant person who likes to spew out blanket completely unjust accusations.
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