My God! And with FEMA rudderless now that whatshername has stepped down, there will be no help from the federal government. Best of luck, my friend. Our prayers are with you.
Hammond LA, oh yeah take I-12 to Hammond to bypass NO, and MEEE, I read Hammond IN and I don't want to go there so I stays on I-10 wondering how I got to NO. Damn!
Warming up tomorrow from the -23 to -17 so schools should be open here tomorrow. Apparently you can't get any colder when it goes up six degrees, so it should be fine.
Chinook blowing ...... so +3C (up from -20 on the weekend), gusty, oh, and persistent headaches from the pressure change. The temperature swing is welcome, but we are seriously low on snow (i.e. there isn't enough to ski on (unless you really hate your skis....)
A nice 1.5km walk with the missus, -8°C no WC. Still struggling but my chemical doctor says this is a great thing for me. Probably do one more lap before the game, expected temp, -11°C no WC