Three weeks ago I had a work related accident that culminated in having my left index finger amputated.
As a form of therapy not only for my hand but my mind as well I grabbed this out of the stash.
Well folks there it is. Not my best effort but under the circumstances, I must say I'm well pleased with it.
Sorry to hear about the accident. Might sound daft, but my left fingers are so stiff and rigid, I sometimes wonder if things would be easier without them !
Nice job on the 'Frightening' - I miss seeing those babies launching vertically into the sky.
Along with the above, sorry about your finger. In an accident a few years back I broke my #2 & #3 metacarpal bones in my right hand just behind the head. While they healed arthritis has set in with a vengeance and keeping them flexible is a daily chore.
Hang in there and you've done really nice work
I can believe it, but sometimes, these absolutely rigid (and bent back the wrong way) fingers just get in the way, and I've had to learn to do a zillion things differently !