This day in the war in the Pacific 65 years ago. (1 Viewer)

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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 9 B-25's and 11 P-40's hit the NW part of Owchihkow; 4 B-25's on sweeps over the S China Sea damage freighter S of Nampang , bomb Tunguan docks, and shoot down 1 bomber; 15 P-40's on armed reconnaissance strafe Pailochi Airfield; 11 others strafe boats in channels N of Nanhsien; 6 P-38's strafe a troop train near Changanyi and attack 25 sampans (destroying most of them) on the Yangtze River just above Huangtang Lake.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon, 14 B-24's bomb Monoitu on Bougainville . Smaller flights of B-24's bomb Poporang and Sohano , and dispersal areas at Bonis Airfield on Bougainville. 5 B-25's, with fighter cover, hit Sankau. RNZAF Ventura's attack targets on Green and in the Mawareka, Marveiropa, and Mamaregu areas. Fighter aircraft support USN dive bomber strikes on Sohano and gun positions at Bonis and afterwards strafe targets of opportunity at several points on Bougainville. The 67th Fighter Squadron, 347th FG, which has been operating from New Georgia with P-39's since Oct 43, returns to it's base on Woodlark.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): Lost on a mission against Gasmata is B-24D 42-41043. B-24's hit Cape Gloucester Airfield. On New Guinea, B-25's hit Sio and Kelana Harbor and P-40's hit Timoeka. HQ 348th FG transfers from Port Moresby to Finschhafen, New Guinea. The 9th Fighter Squadron, 49th FG, transfers from Dobodura to Gusap with P-47's.

NEW GUINEA: In the Ramu Valley, a patrol of the Australian 2/33rd Battalion, 25th Brigade, 7th Division, finds Japanese troops on the highest pinnacle of the 5800 Feature, 5 miles NE of Kesawai, and withdraw as the artillery fires 120 rounds. By 1700 hours, the Japanese withdraw. In the Huon Peninsula, the Australian 29th/46th Battalion, 4th Brigade, reaches Lakona. The battalion advanced a little over 1 mile in the last six days.

EAST INDIES: Australian Beaufighters sink a Japanese cargo ship at Lautem, Portugese Timor.

NEW BRITAIN: Six Ki-49 Helens of the 9th Sentai take off to attack Arawe, but are intercepted over Cape Gloucester. Five are shot down, the last Ki-49 Helen 3297 force lands at Cape Gloucester.
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CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 10 B-24's are dispatched from Nanumea in the Ellice to bomb Maloelap Atoll in the Marshall; 9 are recalled because of weather; 1 bombs the alternate target of Mille Atoll. HQ 41st BG (Medium) transfers from Hickam Field to Tarawa Atoll.

CHINA: 6 P-40's bomb and strafe barracks near Kunlong. 6 others bomb and strafe targets of opportunity in Hanoi. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, in another message to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, again calls for financial aid and increased air strength.

AUSTRALIA: General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific, orders Lieutenant General Walter Krueger, Commanding General U.S. Sixth Army, to prepare plans for the next phase of Operation DEXTERITY, the seizure of Saidor, Northeast New Guinea, as an advanced air and naval base. To perform this task, General Krueger forms Task Force MICHAELMAS under Brigadier General Clarence A. Martin, 32d Infantry Division assistant division commander, consisting of Regimental Combat Team 126, reinforced, 32d Infantry Division. The task force is largely that originally scheduled to invade Gasmata, New Britain Island, Bismarck Archipelago.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Bougainville in the Solomon , 18 B-25's strike Malai lost is B-25D 41-30661 Six other B-25s join USN dive bombers in pounding the Mutupina Point Area; 5 RNZAF Ventura's hit Poroporo and Tarekekori.

USN, USMC RNZAF A 75 aircraft fighter sweep over Rabaul. USN 22 Hellcats, 31 USMC Coursairs and 24 RNZAF P-40s from 16 and 14 Squadrons took off from Ondonga at 5:30am. They flew to Torokina to refuel, then split up into two groups, led by Freeman and Arkwright to Rabaul. Two P-40s aborted on the way to the target due to mechanical failures. The Japanese launch a total of 72 fighters to intercept: 15 from the 201st Kokutai, 32 from 204th Kokutai and 25 from 253rd Kokutai. Three P-40s were lost, and two pilots: P-40 NZ3153 over southern New Ireland and P-40 NZ3175/65. Nine Japanese aircraft were claimed, 5 by RNZAF, 4 by USN. Japanese also claim nine planes shot down.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: On Bougainville, Torokina Airfield, located on the western coast of Bougainville on Empress Augusta Bay, is put into use as a staging base for Rabaul (New Britain Island, Bismarck Archipelago) bound fighters.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): On New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago, P-47's intercept 35-40 aircraft attacking Allied forces on the Arawe peninsula; at least 10 airplanes are claimed shot down; Cape Gloucester and nearby shipping are attacked by B-24's and B-25's. In New Guinea, B-25's bomb the Sio area and P-39's sink 2 barges during a sweep along the Huon Peninsula. The 341st and 342d Fighter Squadrons, 348th Fighter Group, transfer from Port Moresby to Finschhafen with P-47's.
CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 14 B-24's bomb Mille Atoll. The 46th and 72d Fighter Squadrons, 15th Fighter Group, transfer from Canton and Wheeler Field respectively to Makin with P-39's. The 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Seventh Air Force, transfers from Canton to Makin with A-24s.

CHINA: In China, 27 B-24's, supported by 28 P-40's, pound the airfield at Namsang; some of the P-40's strafe Laihka Airfield; 2 B-25's on a sea sweep claim damaging hits on a freighter and a tanker in the Hainan Straits; 5 B-25's bomb SW part of Nanhsien. Japanese planes attack Kunming in preparation for an offensive against India.
Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek gives Lieutenant General Joseph Stilwell full command of Chinese troops in India and in the Hukawng Valley of Burma. Stillwell is Commander-in-Chief US China-Burma-India Theater of Operations, Chief of Staff to Chiang Kai-Shek, Commander-in-Chief Northern Area Combat Command and Deputy Commander in Chief South-East Asia Command.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Bougainville in the Solomon , 10 B-24's bomb the Kahili supply area, 5 more hit the Bonis supply area, and 19 others hit targets in the Chabai-Porton area; 5 B-25's carry out low-level strike on troop concentrations at Poroporo and 11 bomb Korovo; B-24's, operating individually and in small flights, on armed reconnaissance attack Kahili, Kieta, and Poporang; fighters strafe targets of opportunity at Numa Numa, Cape Pui Pui, and the E coast of Buka.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): On New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago, 70+ B-24's, B-25's, and B-26's bomb Cape Gloucester; 20+ B-25's bomb the Borgen Bay area; and nearly 40 B-24's hit Hoskins Airfield. 33 A-20's bomb and strafe dumps and bivouacs N of Finschhafen.

JAAF - Four Ki-43 Oscars of the 248th Sentai joined with Ki-43 Oscars of the 59th Sentai and flew a fighter sweep to Arawe , along with Ki-61 Tonys. The U.S. Army Air Force reference history described the combat: "[E]nemy pilots displayed considerable skill and aggressiveness. This was especially true on 18 December when 16 P-38s of the 475th FG, 433rd FS jumped 10 to 15 ZEKES (sic), OSCARS, and TONYS at midday. The P-38s dove through the enemy fighters and were in turn jumped by about 15 fighters, which had been hiding in cumulous clouds. Definitely on the defensive and outmaneuvered, the P-38s destroyed only three of the enemy while losing two P-38s…" The 248th Sentai claimed one P-38 shot down and no losses. The Japanese lost a single Ki-61 Tony fighter. Lost in an aerial collision over Arawe is P-38H "Regina Coeli" 42-66856.
CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 29 B-24's from Nanumea and Baker bomb barracks, hangars, and wharf areas on Mille Atoll and Maloelap Atoll; they claim 7 fighters shot down. P-39's from Makin strafe Mille Atoll destroying 3 airplanes and firing an oil dump; 2 P-39's are lost.

THAILAND: Twenty USAAF Tenth Air Force B-24 Liberators fly a night strike against a newly expanded dock area at Bangkok causing considerable destruction.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, about 35 Japanese bombers and fighters attack Hengyang Airfield; 26 P-40's are sent up against the attacking force and shoot down 9; 2 P-40's are lost. 12 B-25's and 8 P-40's attack Nanhsien and Ansiang. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek rejects the proposal by British Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia Command, for a major attack.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Bougainville, 24 B-25's bomb the Moisuru bivouac and supply dump; other planes on armed reconnaissance hit targets of opportunity at Buka, Bonis, Ratsua, Poporang, Kara, Kahili, Koiaris, and on Nissan. 16 B-24's, escorted by 50 AAF and RNZAF fighters, bomb the town of Rabaul and Simpson Harbor.

US Navy: Lost flying an escort mission over Rabaul are: F4U 17845 and F4U 17806. Written off on landing is F4U 17736.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): On New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago, Cape Gloucester is bombed by more than 140 B-24's, B-25's, and B-26's as pre-invasion operations increase; 37 P-40's hit Gasmata; and 20 A-20's pound forces NE of Arawe. In New Guinea, about 30 B-25's, A-20's, and P-39's hit barges, bivouac areas, and gun positions N and W of Finschhafen; 30 B-25's and B-26's pound Madang; and P-47's sweep the coastline of NE New Guinea. HQ 375th Troop Carrier Group transfers from Dobodura to Port Moresby, New Guinea. The 2d Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 22d Bombardment Group (Medium), transfers from Dobodura to Nadzab, New Guinea with B-25's. Crashed is C-47 "Hoosier Traveler" 43-30742.
CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): Twenty nine B-24s from the Ellice Islands and Baker Island bomb barracks, hangars, and wharf areas on Mili and Maloelap Atolls; they claim seven fighters shot down. P-39s from Makin Island in the Gilbert Islands strafe Mili Atoll, destroying three airplanes and firing an oil dump; two P- 39s are lost.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 11 B-25's and 6 P-40's from Kweilin pound the Yoyang railroad yards; P-40's from Hengyang also provide support for the B-25's.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon, 13 B-25's, with fighter cover, bomb Korovo village and docks on Shortland. 8 others, with fighter escort, hit Buka on Buka. Afterwards the fighters strafe Kieta and Tenekow. Other fighters and RNZAF Ventura's on armed reconnaissance, patrol, and night snooper missions attack numerous targets of opportunity throughout Bougainville.

PACIFIC OCEAN: USN submarine USS Grayback sinks Japanese destroyer HIJMS Numakaze about 45 nautical miles ENE of Naha, Okinawa, in position 26.30N, 128.26E

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): On New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago, A-20's hit the Arawe area and P-38's in the area claim 10 enemy along S coast; B-24's on armed reconnaissance bomb a merchant ship off Cape Pomas. In New Guinea, B-26's and B-25's hit bivouacs in the Finschhafen area and bomb the town of Alexishafen.
CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 8 B-24's from Nanumea escort 4 USN PB4Y's on a photo mission over Kwajalein Atoll. B-24's bomb shipping and aircraft landing grounds and other facilities at Roi, Ennuebing, and Kwajalein. A-24s, along with USN and US Marine Corps (USMC) aircraft, hit shipping and airfields at Emidj in the Marshall. 16 P-39's strafe fuel dumps, shipping, and AA at Mille Atoll.

BURMA: U.S. Lieutenant General Joseph Stilwell, Commander in Chief US China-Burma-India (CBI) Theater of Operations, Chief of Staff to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, Commander in Chief Northern Area Combat Command (NCAC) and Deputy Commander in Chief South-East Asia Command (SEAC), arrives at Ledo to take personal charge of the northern Burma campaign.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 29 B-24's pound the railroad yards at Chiengmai; the warehouse area along the W side of the yards suffers very heavy damage; 14 B-25's, with fighter escort, attack Hwajung.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Bougainville in the Solomon , 6 B-25's attack Monoitu Mission; during the night of 21/22 Dec, snoopers bomb various bivouac areas.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: The relief of the 3d Marine Division in the beachhead line on Bougainville Island begins.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): Pre-invasion air strikes continue against Cape Gloucester as 100+ B-24's, B-25's, and A-20's pound the area; P-39's strafe targets along Borgen and Rein Bays; P-40's and A-20's hit Hoskins Airfield; and P-47's claim 17 fighters shot down in the Arawe area. In New Guinea, A-20's hit camps N of Finschhafen; B-25's bomb and cannon Madang; and P-40's hit Kaukenau. B-24's bomb Amahai Airfield. The 110th Reconnaissance Squadron (Fighter), 71st Reconnaissance Group, transfers from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea with P-39Q's. They will fly their first mission on 21 Jan 44.

EAST INDIES: USAAF Fifth Air Force B-24 Liberators bomb Amahai Airfield on Ceram Island, Netherlands East Indies.

NEW GUINEA: On the Huon Peninsula in Northeast New Guinea, the Australian 20th Brigade, 9th Division, crosses the Malaweng River. At 1600 hours, the leading company of the 2/15th Battalion enters Hubika which is littered with dead Japanese soldiers. One wounded soldier says, "Japan soldier he go Wandokai" and shortly thereafter, Australian (A-20) Bostons bomb and strafe Wandokai.
Task Force BACKHANDER, the task force for operations on Cape Gloucester, New Britain Island, Bismarck Archipelago, under the command of Major General William H. Rupertus, USMC, conducts a final rehearsal for invasion of Cape Gloucester at Cape Sudest, Papua New Guinea.
CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force):Eleven A-24 Dauntlesses from the Gilbert Islands dive-bomb cargo ships in Mili Atoll lagoon and sink a transport; escort is provided by 32 P-39 Airacobras and USN F6F Hellcats. The P-39s strafe the ships and antiaircraft guns and gasoline dumps on the island and the vessel is left burning.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 7 B-25's, with fighter escort, bomb Hwajung; 2 others claim 3 direct hits on a freighter 105 miles S of Hong Kong. 65 Japanese bombers and fighters attack Kunming Airfield; 10 P-40's and a P-38 from Kunming and several fighters from Yunnani engage the enemy force in a 50-minute running battle, claiming 12 airplanes shot down; 2 US aircraft are destroyed on the ground; damage to airfield is not serious. 7 P-40's intercept a force of 58 airplanes heading toward Chengkung, shooting down 3 of them and preventing an attack on the airfield.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: On Bougainville, USAAF Thirteenth Air Force B-25s carry out strikes against Numa Numa, the Kahili supply area, the Chinatown area on Buka Island, and scattered targets of opportunity; fighter aircraft. B-24s attack barge concentrations and hide-outs at Sohano Island, the Chabai-Porton area, Anewa Bay, and Ambitle Island, and several targets of opportunity throughout Bougainville while B-24s, operating individually and in pairs, attack targets of opportunity near Bonis, near Porton, and at Sohano Island.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): 30+ B-24's, B-25's, and A-20's continue bombardment of Cape Gloucester; a Japanese air raid on Arawe causes minor damage. Nearly 40 B-25's, with P-38 escort, bomb Wewak and Boram; the P-38's, B-25's, and some P-47's on sweep claim at least 13 aircraft shot down. Lost are K-61 piloted by Motoyama, Ki-61 piloted by Tahata and Ki-61 piloted by Akira Takatsuki. B-25's and P-39's bomb airfield and barges at Madang and the town of Alexishafen; and A-20's and B-26's pound occupied area N of Finschhafen. The 36th Fighter Squadron, 8th FG, transfers from Port Moresby to Nadzab, New Guinea with P-47's. The 408th Bombardment Squadron, 22d BG (Heavy), transfers from Dobodura to Nadzab, New Guinea with B-25's.
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CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): During the night of 23/24 Dec, P-39's are airborne over Makin to intercept enemy bombers; 2 bombers are shot down; 1 P-39 is lost. During the day, 19 B-24's, staging through Tarawa Atoll from Nanumea, bomb Kwajalein; 9 others, staging through Baker from Canton in the Phoenix , hit Wotje and Maloelap Atolls in the Marshall. 10 A-24s escorted by 20 P-39's, attack Mille Atoll hitting shore installations and a cargo vessel (wrecked by the previous day's raid) in the lagoon.

BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): 19 B-24's on a night raid bomb the railroad terminal at Bangkok; heavy explosions and large fires result. In the Hukawng Valley, the 3d Battalion, 114th Regiment, Chinese 38th Division, having crossed the Tanai River at Kantau earlier in the month, skirmishes with the Japanese 9 miles from Kantau.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 29 B-24's, escorted by 7 P-51's and 23 P-40's, pound White Cloud Airfield in the area; the and fighters claim 11interceptors downed. 14 P-38's dive-bomb and strafe Huang Shan Kou. 2 B-25's claim 1 gunboat sunk in the Formosa Straits. HQ 68th Composite Wing transfers from Kunming to Kweilin, China.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): 17 B-25'a attack gun positions and other targets at Sohano, and 6 hit positions at Malevoli in Choiseul Bay on Choiseul. 6 RNZAF Ventura's attack a radar station and lighthouse on Cape Saint George. 16 P-39's on patrol bomb and strafe targets on Shortland. 18 B-24's bomb Taharai Airfield in the Rabaul area; Vunakanau also is hit; fighter escorts claim 30 aircraft shot down over the Rabaul area. This begins a Commander Air Solomons (COMAIRSOLS) all-out offensive against the Rabaul area that continues until the end of Mar 44.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): 61 B-24's bomb Cape Gloucester during the day; B-24's follow during the night of 23/24 Dec with harassing attacks with small bombs, hand grenades, and beer bottles; P-39's hit barges between Borgen Bay and Rein Bay, and P-40's bomb Gasmata and strafe Cape Hoskin. 80+ B-25's, B-26's and A-20's attack coastal targets from Wewak to Hansa Bay, wide areas of the Huon Peninsula, and airfields at Alexishafen; and B-24's bomb Nabire Airfield. Lost is B-24D "Flying Wolf" 42-41091. HQ 8th FG transfers from Port Moresby to Finschhafen. The 501st Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 345th BG (Medium), transfers from Port Moresby to Dobodura with B-25's.
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BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: On New Britain Island, the pre-invasion bombing effort against Cape Gloucester reaches its peak as nearly 190 USAAF Fifth Air Force B-24 Liberators, B-25s, and A-20s attack the area in a day-long bombardment; P-39 Airacobras hit a disabled destroyer offshore; and Japanese forces in Arawe area are hit by A-20s.
On New Britain Island, 18 USAAF Thirteenth Air Force B-24s bomb Vunakanau Airfield at Rabaul; six others hit Lakunai; fighter cover for the strike fights a fierce air action with interceptors, claiming 25 shot down; seven Allied fighters are lost.
USN F6Fs, USAAF P-38s and New Zealand (P-40) Kittyhawk fighter pilots shoot down 27 Japanese Zero fighters over Rabaul, New Britain Island, during the day; seven Allied fighters, including five New Zealand Kittyhawks, are lost.

BURMA: In the Hukawng Valley, the 1st Battalion, 114th Regiment, Chinese 38th Division, after artillery preparation, attacks to relieve the beleaguered 1st Battalion of the 112th Regiment in the Yupbang Ga area and succeeds in joining it, although the Japanese retain positions west of the river blocking the crossing at Yupbang Ga.

EAST INDIES: USAAF Fifth Air Force B-25s bomb Atamboea Airfield on Timor Island in the Netherlands East Indies.

CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 18 B-24's, staging through the Gilbert from the Ellice , bomb Wotje Atoll in the Marshall . The 396th and 820th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 41st BG (Medium), transfer from Hickam Field to Tarawa Atoll with B-25's. They will fly their first mission on 19 Jan 44 and 28 Dec respectively.

GILBERT ISLANDS - Escort carrier Liscome Bay, claiming 642 sailors, is sunk by a Japanese submarine. General "Howlin' Mad" Smith blames the Army's slowness for the sinking of an American carrier with all hands. The ship had been forced to stay in the area an extra day to provide cover.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 18 B-24's bomb a Tien Ho satellite airfield. The B-24's and 18 escorting fighters claim 20 interceptors shot down. 1 B-24 is lost over the target.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): During the night of 23/24 Dec, single aircraft carry out harassing strikes against Buka on Buka, Kieta and Faisi. During the day, 24 B-25's attack seaplane anchorage at Bonis. On New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago, 18 B-24's bomb Vunakanau; 6 others hit Lakunai; fighter cover for the strike fights a fierce air action with interceptors, claiming 25 shot down; 7 Allied fighters are lost. RNZAF Ventura's on armed reconnaissance bomb barges and troops on N Bougainville and claim 2 fighters shot down E of Cape Saint George.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): The pre-invasion bombing effort against Cape Gloucester reaches its peak as nearly 190 B-24's, B-25's, and A-20's pound the area in a day-long bombardment; P-39's hit a disabled destroyer offshore; and Japanese forces in Arawe area are hit by A-20's. A-20's also sweep the NE New Guinea coastline.

NEW GUINEA: In Northeast New Guinea, the Australian 2/13th Battalion, 20th Brigade, 9th Division, enters Wandokai without opposition. The Japanese had intended to defend the town but they evacuated last night fearing an Australian landing in their rear.
USAAF Fifth Air Force A-20s sweep the Northeast New Guinea coastline.

PACIFIC OCEAN: During a five hour attack, the USN destroyer escort USS Griswold sinks Japanese submarine HIJMS I-39 about 6 nautical miles ENE of Henderson Field, Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Islands, in position 09.23S, 160.09E. All crewmen on the submarine are lost.
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CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 10 A-24s from Makin supported by P-39's, attack Mille Atoll hitting the runway, ammunition storage, and an AA position.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 2 B-25's claim heavy damage to a passenger ship S of Hong Kong.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): A few B-24's, fighting bad weather, attack Lakunai Airfield; covering fighters claim 13 airplanes shot down. 2 P-38's are lost.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): Cape Gloucester is subjected to almost around the clock air attacks by l80+ B-24's, B-25's, B-26's, and A-20's; A-20's attack Japanese forces in the Arawe area where Allied outposts and observation posts are being pushed back by fierce enemy assaults on the beachhead. The 35th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Group, transfers from Port Moresby to Finschhafen with P-40's. The 386th and 387th Bombardment Squadrons, 312th Bombardment Group, transfer from Port Moresby to Gusap. They will fly their first mission on 27 and 26 Dec respectively.

USN - Aircraft from a two-carrier task group (Rear Admiral F. C. Sherman) attacked shipping at Kavieng as a covering operation for landings by the Marines in the Borgen Bay area of New Britain on the following day. US naval TG 50.2, 2 carriers and 6 destroyers, raids Kavieng with 86 aircraft. They sink one Japanese transport.
Aboard the carrier USS Bunker Hill:
Reville at 0345, we were 190 miles out from Kavieng. We sent everything that would fly. I offered to fly the "hanger queen" but was turned down. The skipper said he didn't think my piper cub training was enough.
About 0900, Wooly shot down a "Mavis" with one burst. Later Ambrosio shot down a "Betty". Several japanese aircraft were around us all afternoon. As we were landing our last flight, Pearse shot down another "Betty". At sunset, we were surrounded by about 30 "Bettys" as announced by radar control. Our ships fired at several of them but none went down in flames. Several flares were dropped but none close. They gave up at 2030 and went home. We headed back to Espirito Santo. VF 18 score now at 46. Our losses that day was one TBF and two men.
CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 16 B-24's, staging through Tarawa Atoll bomb Wotje Atoll. P-39's fly reconnaissance and strafing missions over Mille Atoll. The 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, transfers from Stanley Field to Kualoa Field, Territory of Hawaii with P-47's.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): The 76th Fighter Squadron, 23d Fighter Group, transfers from Kweilin to Suichwan, China with P-40's.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): 7 B-25's, with 34 fighters, attack the Cape Saint George area; 25 B-25's pound the bivouac and supply area at Kahili. RNZAF Ventura's on reconnaissance bomb Chivaroi and Faisi.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): The US 1st Marine Division lands at Cape Gloucester at 0746 hours; 270+ B-25's. B-24's, and A-20's plaster the area between the Cape and Borgen Bay from 0714 to l614 hours; enemy aircraft attacking the landing force sink a destroyer and cause considerable damage to other ships, P-38's, P-40's, and P-47's claim 60+ airplanes shot down over the invasion area. Lost is A6M2 Zero 8224. Twelve P-38s of the 80th Fighter Squadron, lead by Major Edward Craig shoot down 9 aircraft: BW Adams got 2 Vals, Ed Cragg got an Oscar, Ken Ladd got 2 Val's, CB Ray got a Val, Jay Robbins got 2 Zero's and "Corky" Smith got an Oscar. Lost are P-38H "Porky II" 42-66506 (MIA) P-47D 42-8095 (MIA), P-47D 42-22640 (MIA) P-47D piloted by Heckerman (rescued). Also two Michells are lost due to friendly fire: B-25D "Crabb 2nd" 41-30517, B-25D "Here's Howe" 41-30279. Also lost is B-17E "R.F.D. Tojo" 41-2627 after take off from 14-Mile Drome. Japanese losses include: A6M2 Zero 8224.

BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: After preparatory naval gunfire and aerial bombardment, during which Japanese observation from Target Hill, commanding the landing beach, is masked by smoke, Task Force BACKHANDER, commanded by Major General William H. Rupertus, Commanding General 1st Marine Division, and consisting of the 1st Marine Division (--), reinforced, begins the main invasion of New Britain at Cape Gloucester at 0746 hours.
The Marines are landed by the Seventh Amphibious Force under Rear Admiral Daniel E. Barbey. Forested, swampy terrain is more formidable than the surprised Japanese, who offer only light opposition. The 7th Marine Regiment establishes a beachhead, clearing. Target Hill, and is passed through by the 1st Marine Regiment. General Rupertus establishes his command post ashore. Successful secondary landings are made by the reinforced 2d Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, at Tauali, southwest of the airdrome, and by elements of the 2d Engineer Special Brigade on Long Island. A Japanese force reaches positions northwest of the Arawe main line of resistance.
During retaliatory Japanese air strikes on Cape Gloucester, USN destroyers USS Lamson, Shaw, and Mugford are damaged by dive bombers; and tank landing ships USS LST-66 is damaged by a horizontal bomber. USN destroyer USS Brownson is escorting landing craft during the landings at Cape Gloucester. At about 1442 hours local, Brownson is hit by two bombs from a Japanese "Val" dive bomber.
The bombs strike to starboard of the centerline, near number two stack. A tremendous explosion follows and the entire structure above the main deck as well as the deck plating, is gone. The ship lists 10 to 15 degrees to starboard and settles rapidly amidships with the bow and stern canted upward.
The wounded are placed in rafts and at 1450 hours the order to abandon ship is given. The amidships section is entirely underwater at that time. There is a single ripple like depth charge explosion and the ship sinks at 1459 hours about 6.5 nautical miles N of Cape Gloucester in position 05.20S, -148.25E. One hundred eight of her crew are lost.
Supporting the landings, over 270 USAAF Fifth Air Force B-25s. B-24s, and A-20s attack the area between the Cape and Borgen Bay from 0714 to 1614 hours.
P-38s, P-40s, and P-47s claim over 60 Japanese aircraft shot down over the invasion area. Captain Thomas B. McGuire, Jr., flying a P-38H, shoots down three "Val" dive bombers over the invasion beaches. He cuts cards with a second pilot for the credit for shooting down a fourth "Val" and loses. McGuire now has 16 victories.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 10 P-40's strafe buildings on Pailochi Airfield and sink a nearby river boat; 2 locomotives N of Yoyang are also destroyed. 36 Japanese airplanes attack Suichwan Airfield, destroying 1 B-25, the alert shack, and 3 fuel dumps; US interceptors claim 4 of the attackers shot down; 1 P-40 is lost. In French Indochina, 4 P-40's bomb Phu Tho Airfield, and strafe the airfield at Dong Cuong.

BURMA: Brigadier General Lewis A. Pick, Commanding Officer Advance Section U.S. China-Burma-India Theater of Operations, opens the military road to Shingbwiyang, in Hukawng Valley. The commander of 3d Battalion, 112th Regiment, Chinese 38th Division, is killed and the battalion is later withdrawn to the main body. The 65th Regiment, Chinese 22nd Division, reinforced is given the mission, previously held by the 3d Battalion of the 112th Regiment, of clearing Taro Plain plus the task of pushing back into Hukawng Valley to threaten the Japanese flank.

NEW GUINEA: The four-month battle for Shaggy Ridge culminates with the capture of this Japanese position on the ridge's summit by Australian troops.

BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: The 1st Marine Division expands the Cape Gloucester beachhead on New Britain Island despite torrential monsoon rainfall and difficult terrain. The 1st Marine Regiment drives 3 miles W toward the airfield without Japanese interference. Company G, 158th Infantry Regiment, arrives at Arawe, where the Japanese are becoming aggressive, in response to Brigadier General Julian W. Cunninghams request for reinforcements.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): 20+ B-25's bomb the seaplane anchorage at Buka, strafe AA puns SE of Ramandata, bomb Kahili supply dumps, and attack a Kieta bivouac and other targets in the area. A few RNZAF Ventura's hit barges at Ambitle and Anir; and 16 P-38's join 70+ USN dive bombers in strikes on Buka AA positions. About 40 Allied fighters sweep the Rabaul area on New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago, claiming 17 aircraft shot down.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: On Bougainville Island, over 20 USAAF Thirteenth Air Force B-25 Mitchells bomb the seaplane anchorage at Buka, strafe AA guns southeast of Ramandata, bomb Kahili supply dumps, and attack a Kieta bivouac and other targets in the area. A few New Zealand (PV-1) Venturas hit barges at Ambitle and Anir Islands; and 16 P-38 Lightnings join over USN dive bombers in strikes on Buka antiaircraft positions.
The USN light cruisers USS Honolulu and St. Louis, and four destroyers bombard the Kieta area on Bougainville.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): A-20's attack positions in the Cape Gloucester battle zone; B-25's hit villages and tracks from Rottock Bay to Riebeck Bay and strafe barges along New Britain's S coast; and B-24's bomb Hoskins Airfield. In New Guinea, B-25's bomb Madang and hit coastal targets along the Huon Peninsula; B-24's bomb Alexishafen; and P-47's strafe a road near Bogia. Lost on a ferry flight is P-39Q 42-19943.

US Navy: Lost on a mission against Rabaul is F4U Corsair 17734
CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 15 B-24's from Funafuti Atoll in the Ellice and Canton in the Phoenix, staging through Tarawa Atoll and Baker, hit Maloelap and Majuro and Mille. 18 A-24s from Makin with an escort of 20 P-39's, attack Mille; this attack is followed by another against the atoll carried out by 9 B-25's from Tarawa, supported by 12 Makin-based P-39's.

BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: At Cape Gloucester on New Britain Island, Lieutenant General Walter Krueger, Commanding General Sixth Army, releases the reserve, the 5th Marine Regiment, reinforced, to Major General William Rupertus, Commanding General 1st Marine Division. The 1st Marine Regiment reduces the prepared Japanese trail block about 1,000 yards E of the airfield. The Japanese attack on the Arawe beachhead is repulsed.

BURMA: The Chinese 38th Division, attacking with the 1st and 2d Battalions of the 114th Regiment and the 1st Battalion of the 112th Regiment, clears several Japanese strongpoints along the Tarung River.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 4 B-25's and 4 P-51's attack Yangtze River shipping at Chihchow; 1 cargo ship is claimed sunk, 2 others damaged, and an armed motor vessel set aflame. 7 P-40's bomb a building on the railroad siding at Yun-chi.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Bougainville in the Solomon , 14 B-24's bomb supply areas at Bonis and 22 B-25's hit the Kahili supply area. Another large fighter sweep of the Rabaul, New Britain area results in claims of 20+ airplanes shot down.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: On Bougainville, the Army's Americal Division takes command of the eastern sector of the beachhead, relieving the 3d Marine Division.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): HQ 58th Fighter Group and it's 310th and 311th Fighter Squadrons transfer from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia to Dobodura with P-47's. They will fly their first mission on 24 and 2 Feb 44 respectively. Over New Britain Island, 45 Allied fighters sweep over Rabaul in the morning; USMC F4U Corsair pilots claim 20 "Zeke" fighters and six "Tony" fighters and a USAAF P-47 Thunderbolt pilot claims a "Kate" torpedo bomber. Fifth Air Force fighters cover the Arawe and Cape Gloucester beachheads while 19 A-20 Havocs bomb and strafe Japanese ground positions ahead of the Marine ground forces.
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 4 P-40's on armed reconnaissance strafe the railroad station, yards, and town area at Hsipaw, hit numerous freight cars between Hsipaw and Mansam Falls, and attack railroad yards at Hopong; 3 B-25's on a shipping sweep along the Yangtze River claim a cargo vessel and an armed passenger ship sunk SW of Wuhu.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): HQ 347th FG and it's 339th Fighter Squadron transfer from New Caledonia to Guadalcanal in the Solomon with P-38's.

BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: On New Britain Island, the 1st Marine Regiment secures their main objective, the airfield, at Cape Gloucester with singular ease. The 5th Marine Regiment arrives to reinforce the beachhead and make a wide sweep inland toward the airfield to block a Japanese withdrawal. The Japanese makes another unsuccessful counterattack on the Arawe beachhead.

BURMA: Continuing their attack to clear the Tarung River line, the Chinese 38th Division eliminates another Japanese strong point and forces the Japanese to break into small groups.

CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): B-24s bomb Taroa Airfield, after dropping their bombs, the bombers were reportedly attacked by over 30 Japanese aircraft.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): 120+ B-24's, B-25's, and B-26's pound positions at Cape Gloucester as the US Marines take the major objective, the airfield. B-25's hit Madang; B-24's bomb bivouac and communications targets near Sio, and other B-24's fly a light attack against Manokwari, hitting the town and shipping. The 69th Fighter Squadron, 58th FG, transfers from Brisbane to Dobodura with P-47's. They will fly their first mission on 17 Feb 44.

NEW GUINEA: Task Force MICHAELMAS issues formal orders for the invasion of Saidor, Northeast New Guinea. D-Day is tentatively set for 2 January.

PACIFIC OCEAN: In the Philippine Sea, the USN submarine USS Silversides sinks a Japanese transport, an army cargo ship and a merchant cargo ship and damages an army cargo ship about 63 nautical miles NW of the Palau Islands.
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CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 17 B-24's, flying from Tarawa Atoll, bomb Kwajalein Atoll and 9 B-25's from Tarawa hit the town of Jabor. A-24s from Makin, escorted by 24 P-39's, dive-bomb gun positions on Mille. Advance HQ, Seventh Air Force, is moved from Funafuti Atoll in the Ellice to Tarawa, where it remains until the completion of the main campaign in the Gilbert and Marshalls.

BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): 20 B-24's pound Monywa, Burma, hitting railway facilities and the area in general.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 Japanese fighters strafe Suichaan Airfield while 12 others provide cover; 2 US airplanes are destroyed on the ground; 8 P-40's intercept the formation after the attack and shoot down 3 aircraft.

NEW GUINEA: In Northeast New Guinea, the Australian 2/7th Commando Squadron, 2/6th Commando Regiment, occupies Walum village. Walum is about 45 miles

SOLOMON ISLANDS: On Bougainville, Piva South (Piva Uncle) airstrip is completed; the field is located just inland from Torokina, on the coast of Emperess Augusta Bay. The Fiji patrol, composed of Fijians, having advanced along the Numa Numa trail, establishes outposts near the coast at Ibu village, where it can observe Japanese movements. An airstrip for use of Piper Cubs is cleared there. After aircraft attack Japanese positions on Pearl Ridge for 40 minutes, the Australian 25th Battalion, 7th Brigade, 3rd Division, begins an advance at 0800 hours local behind artillery and machine gun fire. Companies A and D meet heavy resistance and dig in by 1600 hours but Companies B and C reach their objectives. During the night, the Japanese mount strong counterattacks but are driven off.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Bougainville in the Solomon , 16 B-24's and 35 B-25's bomb Kahili and the bivouac and supply areas in the vicinity and 6 B-25's bomb the Korovo area. 19 B-24's, with 25 fighters covering, attack shipping at Rabaul and also hit Tobera airfield. The escorts encounter aggressive fighter opposition and claim 12 shot down.

BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: Cape Gloucester Airfield (Tuluvu), located on the western tip of New Britain Island's northern coast, is declared secure; it has been taken by the Marines at very light cost. Heavy rains delay its improvements, and American aircraft do not start operating from the strip until February 1944.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): A-20's hit positions in the Cape Gloucester area as US Marines completely secure the airfield. B-24's and B-25's bomb the Alexishafen and Madang areas, Sio, and targets of opportunity along the coast of the Huon Peninsula; P-39's strafe barges along the Huon Peninsula; and P-47's strafe the Madang area and huts between Sio and Vincke Point.
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CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): The air echelon of the 26th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 11th BG (Heavy), operating from Canton in the Phoenix since 12 Nov, returns to base on Nukufetau in the Ellice with B-24's.

AUSTRALIA: In Brisbane, Queensland, Lieutenant Commander Dudley W. "Mush" Morton relieves Lieutenant Commander Marvin G. "Pinky" Kennedy of command of the USN submarine USS Wahoo in an informal ceremony.

D'ENTRECASTEAUX ISLANDS: Task Force MICHAELMAS sails from Goodenough Island. for Saidor, Northeast New Guinea.

JAPAN: Four USN PBY-5A Catalinas from Attu, Aleutian Islands, bomb Shimushu and Kashiwabara, in the Kurile Islands.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 25 B-24's pound the Lampang railroad yards, causing several big fires and many secondary explosions. 6 B-25's hit Yangtze River shipping in the Anking and Lu-Kuan areas, claiming 3 cargo vessels and a troop carrier sunk; and 2 others on a sea sweep damage a passenger vessel in the Hainan Straits.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): The 371st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy), ceases operating from Guadalcanal in the Solomon with B-24's and returns to base on Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides.

NEW GUINEA: On the Huon Peninsula, the Australian 2/15th Battalion, 20th Brigade, 9th Division, accompanied by tanks, move through Kanomi and resume the advance until halting at the last creek before Nanda. The 20th Brigade has advanced 17 miles in ten days.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): On New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago, A-20's hit troop concentrations in the Cape Gloucester area; nearly 50 P-40's and P-47's intercept a small force of airplanes attacking the Arawe beachhead area and 12 aircraft are claimed shot down. Almost 150 B-24's and medium bombers pound the Madang, Alexishafen, and Bogadjim areas.

RAAF: Crashed in the Shaggy Ridge area is Boomerang A46-134. Lost is Spitfire A58-145 over New Britain.
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(CBI) BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 6 B-25's, along mith 16 P-38's, attack a bridge on the Mu River between Ywataung and Monywa; Major Robert A Erdin, piloting the lead B-25, pulls up during his bomb run to avoid a tree; he releases his bombs as he noses up, and topples 2 spans of the bridge into the river; subsequent tests prove this a good bridge-bombing maneuver; the tactic is refined and the squadron [the 490th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 341st Bombardment Group (Medium)] becomes so proficient as to gain the sobriquet "Burma Bridge Busters." Further N, 11 A-36's and 15 P-5l's pound the airfield at Myitkyina, Burma. The 315th Troop Carrier Squadron is activated at Dinjan, India assigned to the Tenth Air Force and equipped with C-47's.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 4 P-40's bomb and strafe targets of opportunity in Indochina, including barracks and rafts along the Yuan River in the Cam Duong-Lao Kay area.

NEW GUINEA: In Northeast New Guinea, the Australian 20th Brigade, 9th Division, finds the Japanese have abandoned Nanda. The airlift of the Australian 18th Brigade, 7th Division, to Dumpu begins.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, Seventh Air Force): 16 P-39's strafe the harbor of Mille Atoll and attack shipping N of the atoll; 2 small vessels are heavily damaged. During the month of Jan 44, HQ VII Bomber Command transfers from Funafuti Atoll to Tarawa Atoll.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Thirteenth Air Force): 868th Bombardment Squadron is activated to work directly under the XIII Bomber Command. The unit, equipped with radar equipped B-24's used for night missions, becomes known as the "Snooper Squadron." They will fly their first mission on 4 Jan; they used their airborne radar for low-level attacks at night, and for pathfinder operations. 15 B-24's, escorted by 70+ P-38's and US Navy (USN) F6F's, bomb Lakunai Airfield; fighter and AA opposition is heavy, with 80-90 fighters attempting interception. US airplanes claim 20 fighters shot down; 1 B-24 is shot down and 2, severely damaged, crashland at Torokina. Allied fighters join USN dive bombers in support of ground forces in the Torokina area. 6 B-25's and 2 B-24's bomb Kahili and 4 B-24's hit Manob, both on Bougainville.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, Fifth Air Force): 120+ B-24's, B-25's and A-20's pound the Saidor area in preparation for an Allied invasion; other B-25's bomb Madang and Alexishafen. A-20's continue to hit troop concentrations in the Cape Gloucester area; B-25's hit positions at Borgen Bay; and P-39's strate barges along New Britain's N coast. HQ 312th Bombardment Group arrives at Gusap from the US. The 500th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 345th Bombardment Group (Medium), transfers from Port Moresby to Dobodura with B-25's.

BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: On New Britain Island, Brigadier General Lemuel C. Shepherd, Assistant Division Commander 1st Marine Division, issues the first order to the ADC Group, calling for an attack southwest toward Borgen Bay tomorrow. The ADC Group, as strengthened for the attack, consists of the 7th Marine Regiment, reinforced by the 3d Battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment, and supporting units.
USN aircraft from the aircraft carrier USS Bunker Hill and small aircraft carrier USS Monterey (USN Task Group 37.2) bomb shipping escorted by cruisers and destroyers, damaging the light cruiser HIJMS Noshiro; two F6F Hellcats and an SB2C Helldiver are lost. Task Group 37.2 consists of the two aircraft carriers, the battleship USS Washington and six destroyers.
BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 27 B-25's and 16 P-39's hit a fuel plant and work shops at Yenangyaung and set the oilfield aflame; 13 B-24's also hit the refinery, causing a large fire, and bomb a power station; 4 other B-24's bomb Akyab on the W coast; about 30 A-36's and P-51's score hits on the Loilaw bridge approaches and bomb the towns in the vicinity.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 8 P-40's bomb and strafe Japanese HQ and barracks at Hopang, China.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, Seventh Air Force): Seventh Air Force B-24s, staging through Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands, bomb Maloelap Atoll where three B-24s are shot down by antiaircraft fire. Nine B-25s hit targets on Jaluit Atoll and P-39s strafe shipping at Mili Atoll.
USN aerial minelaying operations in the Marshalls continue. Flying from Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands, five PV-1s and a PBY-5s mine Jabor Anchorage, Jaluit Island, Jaluit Atoll.
GILBERT ISLANDS: Japanese planes bomb the advanced base on Abemama
Atoll, demolishing one USN PB4Y-1 Liberator; exploding ammunition in the
burning aircraft damages two additional PB4Y-1s.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Thirteenth Air Force): 24 B-25's bomb Buka supply area on Buka . 30+ Allied fighters sweep Rabaul area claiming 11 airplanes shot down; 1 US Navy (USN) fighter is lost.

BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO: In the Cape Gloucester area on New Britain Island, Company E of the 5th Marine Regiment establishes physical contact with a Marine patrol from Green Beach at Dorf Point. The ADC Group (7th Marine Regiment, reinforced by the 3d Battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment) attacks toward Borgen Bay with three battalions abreast, moving around the 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment but is halted by a Japanese strongpoint, which it partly envelops.
In the air over New Britain Island, over 30 USMC F4U Corsairs and USN F6Fs sweep the Rabaul area claiming 11 airplanes shot down; one F6F is lost. During the night of 2/3 January, Australian Beauforts attack Rabaul Airfields.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, Fifth Air Force): Elements of the US 32nd Infantry Division make an amphibious landing at Saidor, following a preparatory naval bombardment; Bad weather prevents preparatory air strikes, but 80+ B-24's and A-20's pound positions in coordination with the landings; the harbor and airfield are captured. B-25's and B-26's bomb Madang. P-40's strafe Hoskins Airfield, AA positiona, barges, and supply dump at Cape Hoskins.
EAST INDIES: Fifth Air Force B-24s bomb Pombelaa on Celebes Island and targets on Amboina Island, in the Moluccas Islands.

NEW GUINEA: The Australian 2/15th Battalion, 20th Brigade, 9th Division, driving west along the Huon coast from Finschhafen occupy Sialum which has a sheltered beach and an all-weather anchorage making it an excellent choice for a big supply dump. The Australian 9th Division continues their pursuit of the Japanese around the Huon Peninsula and they are attacked nightly by USN PT boats and during daylight by RAAF and USAAF aircraft.
The U.S. Sixth Army's Task Force Michaelmas (Regimental Combat Team 126, 32d Infantry Division, reinforced) makes a surprise landing at Saidor, Northeast New Guinea, under cover of a smoke screen and captures the harbor and airfield.
Weather conditions prevent aircraft from joining destroyers in the preliminary bombardment, but effective air strikes are made in coordination with the landing. This landing cuts off the Japanese rearguard forces from the main Japanese base at Madang, only 55 miles away. U.S. losses in Operation DEXTERITY are 55 killed; Japanese casualties are 1,275.
The loss of Saidor, a Japanese supply depot, is a strategic disaster for the Japanese: the only escape route for the 20,000 Japanese troops, now sandwiched between Australian and U.S. forces, is a 200-mile inland retreat through dangerous, often impassable, jungle. The landings signal the long awaited drive west by Allied forces to expel the Japanese from New Guinea.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: On Bougainville, the 182d Infantry Regiment, Americal
Division, relieves the 21st Marine Regiment in the line.

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