BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 140+ P-40s, A-36s, and P-51s along with 2 B-25s pound numerous targets of opportunity in the Shaduzup area, knock out a span of a bridge in Shaduzup, hit the town of Loilaw, pound supply and ammunition dumps near Warazup and Seton, and bomb a building area N of Namti.
Air Commando Combat Mission N0. 20. 2:55 Flight Time. Hailakandi, Assam to Wuntho, Burma. The Chindits had established a road block at Wuntho and through radio directions and targeting the area with colored smoke, we were able bomb the Japanese position although no results were noted.
Note: Our missions were very short ones and we usually had an idea of the munitions required before taking off. When working with the Chindits on close support we usually carried fragmentation cluster bombs. There were two types; a 20 pound cluster of 6 per station we dropped from a minimum of 2000 feet (not sure if I have the altitude right) or a parachute type which came in clusters of 3. We could drop these flying from a very low altitude as the chutes delayed the bombs from detonating, giving the aircraft time to get clear. One of my missions included flying with another pilot, this hot shot put 57 fragments into the bottom of our plane when he dropped the load too low. Claimed it was from flak hits but we knew better.
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 B-24s and 4 P-40s attack the airfield and seaplane anchorage at Kiungshan on Hainan ; and 16 P-40s bomb a bridge at Puchi, scoring direct hits on both approaches. HQ 312th Fighter Wing is activated at Kunming, China.
PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, Seventh Air Force): B-25s from Engebi bomb Kusaie while B-24s from Tarawa Atoll hit Ponape. B-25s from Abemama and Tarawa Atoll pound Mille Atoll. 38th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 30th Bombardment Group (Heavy), moves from Nanumea to Kwajalein Atoll; the squadron continues operating from Makin with B-24s until 22 Mar.
SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Thirteenth Air Force): On New Britain , 2 B-24s, with USN fighter escort, and 22 B-25s bomb the Rabaul area, hitting the NW part of Rabaul and harbor and waterfront section; and 27 P-39s, P-40s, and P-38s pound the Vunapope supply area. 31st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 7th Bombardment Group (Heavy), ceases operating from Munda, New Georgia with B-24s and returns to base on Guadalcanal.
Fierce fighting continues on Bougainville, Solomon Islands. Heavy US counterattacks begin to blunt the recent gains by the Japanese. Japanese forces ended their attack on American troops on Hill 700, Bougainville.
SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, Fifth Air Force): 160+ B-24s, B-25s, A-20s, P-47s, and P-40s thoroughly pound the Wewak, New Guinea area; US aircraft claim 8 interceptors shot down. Other aircraft, operating singly or in flights of 2 or 3, attack several targets in the NE New Guinea-New Britain area. 312th BG strikes Alexishafen and loose three planese due to weather: A-20G 42-54117, A-20G 42-54082 and A-20G 42-54085. In the Admiralties, Hauwei is cleared of enemy opposition and artillery is brought ashore. 340th Fighter Squadron, 348th Fighter Group, moves from Finschhafen to Saidor with P-47s.