To brush or air brush, that is the question. Clear coating!

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Jul 2, 2012
Hey guys,
Bit of a newbie here to modern techniques!
Just wondering what the feeling is out there about applying clear coats to a painted model.
I've sprayed my current build and feel the satin finish is a little glossy so I'm looking to apply a clear flat (Vallejo Flat Varnish) to "de-shine" the finish a little. I'm a little worried as I haven't done this before that if i brushed a light coat of said product to my build it may show up the brush strokes through the paint (its currently a "semi" gloss black). Would I be better to airbrush the varnish to avoid this problem?
What is the general consensus out there for applying clear coats to builds?
Living here in Oz, we don't have access to the magic product I read so much about "Pledge with future shine"
So what are some of the alternatives for us Aussies?
Looking to start a discussion on the subject of clear coating rather than just an answer!!
Thanks in advance guys!!
Generally, for an overall clear coat, of whatever finish, I tend to airbrush it. On small areas, I might brush it on, but this can depend on the type, and finish, of the varnish. Spraying an overall coat should provide a smooth finish, although, certainly with a gloss enamel or polyurethane varnish, using a paint brush can also achieve good results, depending on overall area.
I'm sure there's an equivalent to Future/Klear in Oz, and no doubt Vic or another of our 'upside down' people can advise here.
Theres a site on the web that clearly states what future is called in what country, let me find it and ge tback to you :) (send me a pm if I don't respond here in 2 days, that means I lost the topic :S and need a reminder.
From another downunderer: Future is called 'Pledge One Go' over here in Australia.

I got mine in the supermarket but apparently you can get it at Bunnings as well.

If you are still having problems from Johnson: I would recommend that you get in touch with our facility in Sydney to inquire about the availability of Pledge® with Future® Shine there. They can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at (02) 9428-9111.


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I've seen the Long Life stuff at my local supermarket, five bucks cheaper than at bunnings!!
I was looking for the Future One Go but they didn't have it!!
Might have to invest in some Long Life.
Has anyone used the Long Life stuff? If so how did it go!! I've heard its good for clear parts but not so much as a coverall!!!!
Thanks for the Info!!
Along with microsol, using Pledge Future was the best advice I received on this site. Initially I use it straight from the bottle, airbrushing it on the entire painted model. Next after throughly drying comes decals w/microsol. More through drying. Then a 50/50 Pledge/flat clear acrylic over the entire model
I went to my local IGA, the best they could do was the Long Life stuff. I asked the dude behind the jump and he said they had recently had One-Go but it was no longer stocked. I guess I'll try the Long Life and see how it goes until I come across the One-Go in a supermarket sometime!!
Thanks for the replies.
Don't know where you are located relative to Sidney but as I posted in #4: still having problems locating what you want call or email Johnsn wax: you get in touch with our facility in Sydney to inquire about the availability of Pledge® with Future® Shine there. They can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at (02) 9428-9111.

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