Benevolens Magister
Been wanting to build a GOOD model of a P51B/C in 1/32nd Scale for years! Nearest I got was cross-kitting the old Revell kit with the Hasegawa P51D, which turned out reasonable, but written off when it tried to land from 6 feet after 'flying' from top shelf of display site!
Seen an ad for a UK hobbyshop site showing the Trumpeter P51B in 1/32nd, but don't want to commit £40 (relatively expensive for U.K.) if it not very good.
Anyone built this or even seen it? Any reviews or comments would be most welcome. Particularly want it with original canopy, not 'Malcolm' hood.
Thanks in anticipation, Blue Skies to all!
Seen an ad for a UK hobbyshop site showing the Trumpeter P51B in 1/32nd, but don't want to commit £40 (relatively expensive for U.K.) if it not very good.
Anyone built this or even seen it? Any reviews or comments would be most welcome. Particularly want it with original canopy, not 'Malcolm' hood.
Thanks in anticipation, Blue Skies to all!