Not much I can add to this discussion. but I cant help thinking and comparing the devastating uses that the B-52 was put to when used in the tactical support role. Werent b-52s used in the early parts of the invasion of Afghanistan? Pretty sure they were, and further, am pretty sure they were absolutely devastating when used to take out taliban positions.
Previously i have alluded to how greatly we respected maritime Bears in the late 70s/early 80s. They had great capability primarily because of their range. However that capability was never proven. Nor can i recall ever hearing of Bears being used to support Soviet moves in the 80's whilst invading Afghanistan. If true, why not? by the same token I am unaware of any great usage of B-52s in the matitime strike role. Neither am i aware of great usage of B-52s in the recon role. Perhapos they were so used, but I am just unaware of that role for them
52s are still being used over Afghaninam...