Tupolev 2 - War Eagles Air Museum

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Staff Sergeant
Jun 11, 2021
Tupolev 2 - War Eagles Air Museum, San Teresa NM - Picture by Colin Doane.

Tu 2.jpg
Is the interior still in? Our flyable?
The pic was taken in october 1997. I was visiting the museum with Gene Medlin and Colin Doane.
Gene was the author of ;
- Military Handguns of France 1858 - 1958 ;
- Les Armes de Poing de l'Armée Française 1858 - 1998 co-authored with Jean Huon ;
- French Service handuns 1858 -2004 co-authored with Jean Huon ;
- The French 1935 Pistols co-authored with Colin Doane.
I had helped them to document the books.
During the visit, a german technician of the museum who had worked in Francehad heard there was a French visitor (I was the first of the season...) and asked to meet me. We had an interesting conversation as he had worked as a civilian mechanic for the French Air Force, notably at Dijon - Longvic, before working in the USA. He explained me this Tupolev 2 S was acquired from the Chinese People Liberation Army and it was planned to make it flyable again.
It seems that it has since been repainted in camouflage scheme.

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