Vacuum tube technology reached a very high level just prior to WW2 and in particular during it. Automated mass produced Vacuum tubes between the size of a mans thumb and a ladies pinkie became standard devices. Some were highly economical; having pressed glass bases through which the conductors passed. They were reliable too 50,000 hours was not uncommon in a specified on/off cycle. Other's had steel housings and could handle a great deal of vibration. Steel envelop tubes were used for the analogue computer autopilot on the V2 because of their toughness. The reason a electronic computer had to be used was both the great speed of the electronics but the vibration resistance which disrupted mechanical computing devices. There were of course highly specialised micro tubes that handled the acceleration of a gun launch that were fitted into artillery ammunition.
Certain specialised tubes, such as those generating high output powers for radars had shorter lives.
There were very few advances after WW2 and most of those were in specialised areas.
1 Video Recording Tubes became more light sensitive with Videocon taking over from ikonoscopes.
2 Besides Magnetrons high power Klystrons and Travelling Wave Tubes allowed sophisticated microwave radar and overcame the limitations of magnetrons.
Vacuum tubes developed only slightly: by identifying chromium contamination in the tungsten filaments of vacuum tubes the computers that operated the NORAAD and SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment) achieved 500,000 hour life which gave the reliability to allow digital computers for dispatching F101 and F106 to intercept possibly threatening nuclear carrying bombers.
Printed Circuit Boards were used by both sides, the Germans used ceramic ones. Ideas such as terminal blocks came in.
These advances were not necessary for the kinds of tubes required for automatic control of a missile.
The relatively reliable miniature vacuum tubes made many more devices practical. It was more up to engineers to come up with a conceptual frame work for creating circuits and circuit building blocks and to realise those.
German aircraft in 1940 could carry radar altimeters, blind approach systems (FuBL) and fully automatic landings had been carried out. Auto track radar came in both German and US radar in 1943.
Certain specialised tubes, such as those generating high output powers for radars had shorter lives.
There were very few advances after WW2 and most of those were in specialised areas.
1 Video Recording Tubes became more light sensitive with Videocon taking over from ikonoscopes.
2 Besides Magnetrons high power Klystrons and Travelling Wave Tubes allowed sophisticated microwave radar and overcame the limitations of magnetrons.
Vacuum tubes developed only slightly: by identifying chromium contamination in the tungsten filaments of vacuum tubes the computers that operated the NORAAD and SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment) achieved 500,000 hour life which gave the reliability to allow digital computers for dispatching F101 and F106 to intercept possibly threatening nuclear carrying bombers.
Printed Circuit Boards were used by both sides, the Germans used ceramic ones. Ideas such as terminal blocks came in.
These advances were not necessary for the kinds of tubes required for automatic control of a missile.
The relatively reliable miniature vacuum tubes made many more devices practical. It was more up to engineers to come up with a conceptual frame work for creating circuits and circuit building blocks and to realise those.
German aircraft in 1940 could carry radar altimeters, blind approach systems (FuBL) and fully automatic landings had been carried out. Auto track radar came in both German and US radar in 1943.