UFO's or Weather Balloon?

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I'm on the fence with this sort of stuff.

I cant see why they didn't fire at them.
Surely it's an act of war if the UFO is dicking around in our airspace.
I'm on the fence with this sort of stuff.

I cant see why they didn't fire at them.
Surely it's an act of war if the UFO is dicking around in our airspace.

In other words, if you don't know what it is, try to destroy it.
That doesn't sound like a very sound policy to me.

If it really is a craft from another world, they're no doubt greatly more advanced than us.
It wouldn't really be smart at all to start a war with them.

If it's some unknown natural occurrence , what would firing at it tell us ?

Well if it was a natural occurrence then firing at it will do nothing.

On the other hand, if it's something from another planet then unless we can capture it, bringing it down is the way forward. Imagine what tech we could find inside it. Maybe it holds the key to us being able to exit earth without having to do it Elon Musk style.

We'd probably be about as able to learn anything from it as a dog does when it rides in a car.

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