Unit Cost of Various Aircraft

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Give me data .. I'll add.

Love all the data, but where is it from?
Would love even more data .. can anyone offer me more prices?


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    59.5 KB · Views: 52
Love the numbers .. can I get a source? Please??

Sure. They and the XB-70 figure came from Robert F. Dorr's rather fun book - ''365 Aircraft You Must Fly" - Zenith Press 2015.
Are you interested in civilian aircraft prices - or just military?
Much thanks so far. Want more data!

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Beautiful machine - but expensive.
One source says $750,000,000 each.
The B-70 program was to cost around $1.5 billion ($1.85 billion if the XF-108 was factored in), of which there were to be 1 x XB-70, and 11 x YB-70 aircraft built prior to the 250 projected aircraft: Based on the number of prototypes to R&D costs, that would be $125,000,000 a plane. With costs of aircraft going down with time, I figure that could probably drop fairly quickly to around $75-80 million, and from there to around $60-70 million.

From a book about the B-58 (ISBN-13: 978-0692478813) written by a bombardier-navigator named George Holt, Jr. (USAF, Col, Ret), the cost of the B-58 was approximately $33.21 million as of a report dated September 30, 1960. The B-52 at the same time was listed as $13.51 million (the most common costs I've seen for the B-58 were usually around $12.4 million, so I don't believe he was lying about these figures since he was a strong B-58 proponent).

This would mean that the B-70 would cost around 9.25 times more than the B-52 off the bat (3.76 times the B-58), decreasing to around 5.92-5.55 times (2.41-2.26 times the B-58), and then to 5.18-4.44 times (2.11 - 1.81 times the B-58).

Ultimately there were only 2 x XB-70's (there was to be a third prototype, which was part-way assembled).
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