Unusual behavior

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Senior Airman
Feb 5, 2009
When I select a thread topic to review the thread will pop up on some seemingly random post instead of displaying the top of the page I've selected. Never had this happen before on any site. Is there something I need to change in my user section?
If you are clicking from the main page (where only the most recent thread is active) it will go to the last post you read. If you have never read the thread before it should go to the first post.

Example: If I click on Breaking News from the Main Forum Page it will likely go to the last post I looked at instead of at the very beginning. To go to the first page, go into the Section and then click on page 1.

I think that may be the problem.
Might not be Chris. Quite often, I find that the page, and the position on it, might be random, regardless.For example, if the last page in a thread I have looked at was Page 3, and the newest, and the one I select, is Page 4, it might skip to part way through Page 4, not the top.
I also experience a 'double sized' page occassionally, where I have to wait until it 'pops back' to normal screen size.
Terry, that double size is the page loading a pic and then adjusting it for the screen size. I have that happen also and I've noticed it has to do with pics.

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