Upload Manager Anomaly ?

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It's OK Terry. The copied image is of the same size your screen is. If you want to select a part of it just mark the area you need using the mouse with left button pushed down. Then hit the Ctrl+Y keys. The pic will be cropped and all no needed parts cut off. Having that done you can resize it for instance before saving.

The File Upload Manager window looks OK. This is correct. I have the same when wanting to upload a picture. All of thumbnails of images being uploaded recently , are visible there. So all is fine with it.

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Thanks my friend. But you can see the problem? I didn't upload those GB icons, and it's puzzling me how they got there, and from where!!
Also, some recently up-loaded images aren't there!
Oh... I understand now. It may be a problem with MySQL database of the Forum. These four new GB icons for the WW1-WW2 ( with the I-16 ) have been uploaded recently by me to the locked thread with all GB icons. The thread was created by you as memo serves and the forum system "decided" that that's you who did it.
Also it might have been caused by your Windows if you didn't update the Service Pack for your Windows for instance.
Ah, got it! It must be from the thread, although, even though it has my username, I don't remember creating it, or why I would have created it!
No problem though, at least now I know where the icons are coming from - and it's not the fault of aliens after all !
Maybe.. I remember a similar event happened in 70'. A crew painted their Mi-2 helicopter with a white paint secretly and issued a flight. Being en route they made a landing at a meadow near a small countryside and took on a board a drunken villager. Later the guy was relating he was kidnapped by aliens. All would have been fine and nobody could know about the pilots' joke but the white paint wasn't washable and all was revealed.

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