One possible advantage to more night bombing would be the limited, even dismantled, night fighter LW capacity. Kammhuber's plan was rejected early on and even limited support was diminished in favor of offensive bombing by Hitler.
The Luftwaffe night fighters were still operating into 1945. They had real operational problems,lack of trained crews and fuel,from about September 1944. Around June/July 1944 they were still regularly claiming 20+ bombers on a good night (for them). They were certainly not ineffective or a spent force.
As late as March 1945 they were still capable of launching significant intruder missions. Operation "Gisela" of 3rd March '45 saw no less than 140 aircraft (mostly Ju88s) flying a mass intruder mission which accounted for 23 British bombers and 1 Mosquito as well as another 20 bombers damaged.